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Dr. X


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I am making a Samurai, and say this knight on Mocpages, and I am slightly confused about how you go about drybrushing. Could someone give me a step-by-step? I have bronze metallic paint, a couple of katanas that I need to drybrush, and some brushes. Do you put on the paint with one brush and brush it again with a dry brush? (for me this just smears the paint completely off) Do you let it dry a bit and THEN brush it with a dry brush? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Edited by Dr. X

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What I have been doing with my Stikfas is paint the paint on and like when it only has one side of pint and its very small I take a worn out brush and brush really really fast back and forth until its dry.

Edited by PSPguy

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To give my figures' armor and gear a weathered look, or to add shading to certain pieces, I use a simple drybrushing technique.

For exapmple, if I were to weather a LEGO helmet I would first get my silver (Or whatever color..) paint and my small paint brush (I find that using a brush with very short brissles works best).

Since painting LEGO requires only a dab of paint, I just shake the container and then use the little bit of paint from the cap. Be sure to get just a little bit of paint on the brush, then wipe it away a bit on the palm of your hand until it's to the point that it is pretty dry, then brush it around on the helmet.

You will probably habe to do this a coupe times to get the desired effect, but in the end it should turn out some beautiful results.

You could wipe the paint on a piece of scrap paper or something rather than your palm, but meh.. It's just easier to just wipe it there, and hey, you save some paper in the process.

Kinda hard to explain it, but I think you'll get the idea.

..and if you don't, just let me know.


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