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  1. kelko585

    Lego Ninjago 2016

    I find the legs a bit too blocky and the base of the wings with spring-shooters, dont get me wrong I like the model, but I am a bit underwlemed. As for the Titanium dragons head I like it very much, though Ive heard some mixed opinions about it.
  2. kelko585

    Lego Ninjago 2016

    Last week I got the Jay's elemental dragon and to say the truth I am a bit underwhelmed. Comparing it to the titanium dragon it seems way more blocky. I got it just for Jay and the monkey so I think for the figures it's a good deal.
  3. kelko585

    Lego Ninjago 2016

    I am not sure if this part really is the old one, here is a comparison of all three: Anyway it seems strange to me that Lego would put different versions of the same part in one set, wierd. Yea, the balloon section is a bit gappy, if you can make all the gaps even it looks okay.
  4. kelko585

    Lego Ninjago 2016

    Here is the clip: The jet connection, as stated above isn't such a problem but it doesn't fit all the way:
  5. kelko585

    Lego Ninjago 2016

    Today I got the Sky Shark set for Lloyd minifig but to my disbelief one of the vertical clips holding the flintlock pistols was mismoulded a bit. I've never seen such a thing in a lego set! Seems strange to me that it passed Lego's quality control. Also, btw what's up with Flintlocke's mustache not fitting?
  6. kelko585

    Lego Ninjago 2016

    Now that I have the Skybound gi Zane and Cole in my possession I can see a big difference in their paint applications on their symbols. While Cole has fairly standard gold-bronze color Zane has very distinct blue metallic almost iridescent finish on his symbol. I wanted to ask you if there are any differences between other ninja? My uneducated guess would be that Nya has metallic finish to her symbol aswell.
  7. Pretty good episode today, I really liked the star wars easter egg ant the fact that the two screenwriters were actual screenwriters for the show! (first post yay!)