
Eurobricks Knights
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Posts posted by CabooseBM

  1. I am adoring this theme and what it represents, but there are three things I'd like to see:

    -Generic Women Knight heads, in the same style as the men's. Put it in a small set so I can easily amass them and even out my army.

    -Some sort of Dragon/Griffin/Etc. for the Knights, I love the aesthetic of the Nexo Knights faction and I want to see it realized with an 'animal' build.

    -More Structure/Vehicle hybrids that connect together/the Fortrex. Like an Osprey vehicle where the wings/propellors form a wall when landed? Alternatively, this.

  2. As much as I have actively detested most of the sets released this year, I don't have any desire to see Bionicle do poorly. I want it to be successful and plentiful and to end with an improved CCBS and a path paved for the next Constraction line.

    I do hope the set designers figure out what went horribly wrong this year and course correct.

  3. In my experience, most LEGO sets linger for at least six months after the wave after them is released. If it's 2017 and we still have Skull sets lingering in large numbers, you might be onto something. And even then the actual sales of them could easily defy what you'd expect.

  4. I believe it was stated at the big ComicCon premier that LEGO's initial scheme for Gen2 lasts three years. If the line is deemed sufficiently profitable, it will of course continue past that point. But in lieu of the requisite financial data, we can't count on getting anything past 2017.

    Ah, right, that makes sense then. I guess it's all speculation and waiting at this point to find out the actual truth then, but at least if it does it'll have a planned arc.

    I just hope Constraction moves away from technic again.

  5. I'd argue that Bohrok made for some of the best "Building" sets of G1, with a good collection of useful parts for building all sorts of critters both alone and with other Bohrok.

    But I dunno if comparing them to the Skull Villains is really useful, though. Apples to oranges and all that.

  6. Ikir's a solid set with a lot of useful parts. The wings are nice, the feet are awesome, and the function is useful and intuitive. Not a huge fan of the head, it feels like it suffers the most for sharing it with every other creature set. It's got some great articulation and with some slight modification(I positioned the sockets towards the back rather than upwards), it makes for a ton of great, birdlike poses.

    10/10 a good birb. Would birb again.

  7. One of the nice things about this set is how nice he is as a parts pack, aside from the terrible, disgraceful torso piece everything is appreciated.

    That said, like Gali, Onua's parts just don't come together as a coherent whole character design. His proportions are stretched out and he no longer feels like the biggest Toa. The build felt like a lot of work for a weak overall result. The new torso shell sucks, as expected, but the print is nice and I still love the Nuva Symbols. Unlike last year's gearbox the gimmick set up here really limits the proportions you can get out of the basic torso parts, with a single option for torso length. He is a poor update to the Master of Earth and I am happy to scrap him for parts.

    His color scheme is about as good as his 2015 version. More focused, even, with just gold, black, and trans purple as colors. There's some silver and gunmetal but they seem neutral at this point. *Shrug*

    United, I feel he still doesn't accomplish at thirty dollars what the Master set did at twenty, and so you end up with one half-hearted, soulless robot set and a cute mole compared to the two very well built sets you get with the Master and Protector sets of 2015. And the compromises made for the gimmick robs the Uniter of a sense of completeness on top of the amalgamate nature of his build.

    Man, what a bad set. The bar's been set pretty low, so I hope 2017 is better.

    EDIT: Also the hammer actually isn't bad and feels like a good evolution of the 2015 hammer, wish it didn't spin though.

  8. These guys are a little messy, but ultimately their designs lend themselves to a fun revamping thanks to a sense of character that the first 2016 wave didn't possess.

    And I can forgive the deceit of trans-yellow for the trans-neon green upper limbs. Those are nice.

  9. I think I might like the ideas behind the summer sets more than the summer sets themselves, they're not super great standalone sets but I think it'll be fun to make something great out of them.

    Well, except for Umarak the Hunter, he's pretty perfect as is, trans neon green aside.

  10. Got Ketar today, and I can't say I like her very much. The function is weak enough as it is, but being floppy and ugly doesn't help at all. The smattering of browns sucks, and overall she shares the same lack of form that the Uniters do. It's also hard to imagine what function she serves as a backpack, at least Akida provides guns.

    I like scorpions, and I like even better that she's a protagonist scorpion, but the execution here is little better than Akida's technic mess.