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Everything posted by johnsocal

  1. johnsocal


    The LEGO baseplates which the HALO MB stuff is sitting on. I do have a 25 or so LEGO/Brickforge Spartans, but they aren't shown in the picture.
  2. johnsocal


    It's MEGA BlOK HALO figures and vehicles, LEGO plates, and a Giant Covenant Scarab.
  3. johnsocal

    Mando battle pack in 2011?

    I would not be surprised if we get a Mando battle pack around this time next year with a new Mando helmet and jet pack. I would think the new Mando helmet will show up on a new version of Boba or Jango that will be shown @ Toyfair.
  4. johnsocal

    Mando battle pack in 2011?

    I was thinking that the best opposition battle pack to a Mando battle pack could be a generic JEDI battle pack with some new (colored) light saber blades. While unlikely it would be cool.
  5. johnsocal

    Mando battle pack in 2011?

    More would want to make a Mando army over a Assassin Droid army IMO.
  6. johnsocal

    Mando battle pack in 2011?

    Check out this clip of Dooku talking with a Mando in the new CW episode thats on tomorrow night.
  7. johnsocal

    Mando battle pack in 2011?

    I assume Mandos will fight both Jedis and/or droids, but we will have to wait to see how Lucas portrays the Mandos in the CW series.
  8. johnsocal

    Mando battle pack in 2011?

    Just wait (two weeks or so) until the Clone Wars series begins to be beat down the word Mandalorian like you have never witnessed before. By this time next year everyone and their grandma will know what a Mandalorian is.
  9. johnsocal

    Mando battle pack in 2011?

    Mandos are cool @
  10. johnsocal

    Mando battle pack in 2011?

    I assumed LEGO would be coming out with a new Fett/Mandalorian helmet but I didn't know for sure. A Mando battle pack would sell very well and we all know in the end LEGO will put out stuff that sells.
  11. johnsocal

    Mando battle pack in 2011?

    Do you know where I could find that pick of the new Slave 1?
  12. Here’s my custom Mandalorian Fighter craft. Servant 1- Mandalorian small tactical fighter craft built by Kuat Engineering Systems Gallery of Mocs -
  13. johnsocal

    My LEGO Halo spartan army

    Here's a few pics:
  15. johnsocal

    TRON LEGO sets a possibility?

    Considering the way they made Toy Story minifigs they might as well be in Duplo.
  16. johnsocal

    TRON LEGO sets a possibility?

    I'm sure LEGO can first make sets off the original movie as well as the new one like they did with INDY and SW.
  17. I could just take my wife and two sons and get a one hour shopping pass so we could bring back 8 of them.
  18. Do they limit only two per person for a person attending LEGOland in person? While previously ordered my two over the phone, i might consider going there in person (a 1 1/2 hour drive) if i could pick up a dozen of them or so.
  19. Did anyone try calling the LEGOland California store by phone @ 760.918.5497 to order a few of these?
  20. johnsocal

    Ideas for new Disney licensed sets?

    LEGO should make Disney park theme exclusive sets. Considering all those loyal Disney fans from around the world who would jump at the chance to have their beloved Main street recreated in LEGO form and have a LEGO Disney monorail to boot. These theme park sets would sell well, especially if they were Disneyland park exclusives.
  21. johnsocal

    What licensed themes will end next year?

    Im expecting that LEGO will get the LOTR/Hobbit license that will start in mid 2011, so something will have to go to make room for it. Since the new Hobbit movies will be coming in winter of 2011 and 2012, LEGO can milk both the Hobbit and Lord the Rings franchise for a very long time afterwards.
  22. My friends, you can order these directly from the LEGOland California store by phone @ 760.918.5497 or by fax @ 760.918.5436. They limit two per person and as of this morning they had only 50 left in stock.
  23. johnsocal

    Lego Rock Band...Confirmed!

    I predicted LEGO Guitar Hero/ Rock Band back in Nov 2007 as seen @