Satellite Jack

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Satellite Jack

  1. Satellite Jack

    Star Wars TFU Ultimate Sith Edition

    Cool. I guess they'll be explaining about how Luke got to Hoth, became a Jedi already, etc. etc.
  2. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    I believe we've seen that... Still, I don't like the elemental powers.
  3. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    That sounds awesome! You gotta show us when your done. Speaking of that, didn't Shaddowcroc say he cut up Toa Mata Nui's Ignika? I still wanna see that!
  4. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    BZP's back up, though there's not much on there...
  5. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    I rather liked Stuart Sayger. His style was refreshing. I was going over old Bionicle comics, and I realize now how much I loved '06! Stuart's art style really fit the dark mood of '06, a mood which I entirely adored. And I'm also realizing my love of Axxon's character. However Sayger got boring in 2007. The style didn't really fit the mood. This Zanier character would have been a better choice, IMHO.
  6. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    Or that those comics were his only reference. Like Turaga Dume in that one '08 comic... EDIT: Those sharks have a pretty clever design...
  7. Satellite Jack


    Well I got Ejector yesterday. I usually don't get Scout Class figures, but... he's a toaster for pete's sake! Though, I was surprised by such a high price for a small figure. I almost didn't get it. But it was the only Ejector left, I couldn't resist. Great figure. Highly recommended. I like him better than my Sideswipe and Rampage
  8. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    Ummm.... Is anyone else having the problem of only half of each page coming up?
  9. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    Yea, but in that case, it's so ironic, they must have done it on purpose. But I agree you might be looking in to it too much.
  10. Satellite Jack

    Review: 8998 Toa Mata Nui

    Well I was never a fan of this set, believing it to be garbage. The only real reason I would think anyone with decent eyesight were to get this set would be for that gold Ignika. However, I have said Ignika, in silver. While I like it, I really don't "adore" it, as I believe you and some others would. So about the rest of this set. I agree with what you were saying in the end, about the things being "a shame", and "too bad". At first, I thought this set was just a horribly colored ripoff of '08 Takanuva. After reading this review, I now see that it was like an upgrade, and a downgrade, in various aspects. Like the fingers, additional armor on the legs, the shield, the custom torso: All the right ideas, wrong execution. The custom torso, especially. It would have been great, but the neck is much to high, allowing the small head to look even more awkward. The piston system seems wonderful, but just doesn't look pretty, as you said. I would rather use Takanuva's method, which allows more bulk to the waist. Getting to the arms. It just seems like the creativity stopped here. While I don't think they particularly need to be lengthened, I do agree they need more bulk. And I couldn't believe TLC would leave such a gap in the upper arms, when they already had a solution for it the first time (Takadox Heads). The heads might not work exactly for Mata Nui, but they at least knew they should've put something to fill that ferocious gap (It almost looks as if something had taken a bite out of him, and they tried to cover it up with those scarab shield pieces? Please...) The fingers.... Well, I don't see why people got excited about them. They just seem too simple. If you want some decent fingers, find Hydraxon. And you've said what needs to be said on the weapons. Oh and the colors... well we all know how that is... So basically what I think is that, while it's not as bad as I once thought, it's still, well, bad. Thanks for the review anyhow I always like a good read. (*Phew* I don't believe I've ever typed this much in one post.)
  11. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    As do I. Just pronounce them the way they're spelled.
  12. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    No way?! They upped that price range? This is madness! Which reminds me. The Baranus. I just now realized its not a store exclusive. Which is very sad considering how bad it is. Up until now, I would look at Baranus and say, "Well that's garbage! But it's a store exclusive, so I guess that's why..." But now... Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying all store exclusives are bad (Nocturn), just most are. And that standard sets, at least in that price range, have no reason to fail like that. And ShaddowCroc: You cut up his face? I'd love to see it!
  13. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    So you going to do a Cendox review? The BZP one wasn't to insightful, tbh. On another note: Fero and Skirmix....They're the same? What happened to the "new eyes" thing? Was it a lie? A big rouse? Thornatus on sale?! You should have gotten it! Then again, I'm sure it will go on sale for much less later. Good thing you waited. Smart thinking But that Titan Mata Nui.... Almost shattered my o' happy day....
  14. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    ....You just sorta made me want the Kaxium.
  15. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    Um.... that was broken in 2006...
  16. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    Mata Nui is Toa Lhikan. Ackar's a Toa. Sadface. Btw, notice how Ackar's sword...doesn't look like Ackar's sword?
  17. Satellite Jack

    volitak-matoran drawing

    Very good. Very good indeed. The shading is good. However, I'm not too sure about the proportions. Is the head really that big? I've only seen the official pic for this once, like last year. Also, there's a topic for all Bionicle Artwork: Here
  18. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    Well I hope to get all 3 of them when they go on sale. Along with Thornatus. And I forgot to mention Vastus...I mean, I love the snake theme. It totally took me by surprise. Just struck me as something TLC wouldn't do. But anything in that set that isn't snake themed just fails... Sorta hard to describe
  19. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    Out of Ackar, Mata Nui, and Ackar? Could one of the Ackars be.... a Kiina?! lol I myself don't own any legends yet. I'm saving up for stuff so I'm just waiting for them to go on sale. I'd say at the top I like Gelu and Ackar equally, but they're both a bit boring. Then Stronius... he grew on me. I only plan on getting those three. The other three....meh....
  20. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle Artwork

    Inspired by that pic of Mata Nui with the half blown off face, with Stronius in the front. It's somewhere in the 2009 topic, but couldn't find it. Click It's very sketchy, that's why it turned out as such. I don't usually draw like that. Oh, and I don't really enjoy coloring... EDIT: Love the Transformer Antrozek!
  21. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    Oh.... when I buy a set I'm interested looking/ being good lol
  22. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    Epic. He's the Cloud Strife of Bionicle.
  23. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    Wow....very observant. I re-watched the video, just for that, and sure enough.... It's a nice little thing indeed. I mean, they could've just had Click sitting there, doing nothing. Or just forget to put him in the scene entirely.
  24. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    Yea and Strakk and Ackar have there Agori's shields in place of Thornax launchers.... It's cool
  25. Satellite Jack

    Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)

    I believe that when you start to lift his arm up the shoulder armor starts to come off.