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Posts posted by N7LEGO

  1. Dol Guldur is mentionned just one or two times in the book and there is no action in this place. Just a couple of words about Gandalf going there but it will be an important part of the movie so that's why we'll have it in sets. I really don't understand why 2 sets of this place in a same wave...

  2. I don't like his size in the trailer so a scaled down version will suit me just fine. Worst case scenario: I buy a City bear and name him Beorn.

    In the book, it's said during the battle of 5 armies that Beorn is bigger as he become more angry so maybe that's why he's bigger than we imagined in the trailer because he look very angry attacking the dwarves :grin:

  3. Come on guys, This is a pretty big deal over the color of a figure, @Alcarin, You are being a little harsh on him, He was expressing an opinion and even if we don't all agree we should just leave it alone there is no reason to criticize his income and money usage. @N7LEGO, It is a little fussy to moan about a color when you are getting a nice new mold but a gentle PM to Alcarin would really have been better than filling up the form with shouting and abuse.

    @Fives, Thank you for changing the subject :thumbup: . I also think he will make his appearance in a larger set, Possibly a £100 if there is one? I believe NY comic con is mid October but i cant quite remember? :classic:

    I prefer it white anyway :wink:

    We are on a forum, he was the only one to cry about my (few) posts about Azog (3 or 4). It's not like if I was talking about Azog from pages and pages. Anyway, let's discuss about something else :wink:

  4. No the main information of your post was re-visited in the end

    This gives your faking in the last post away... you have a problem because you wont get a tan Azog... well actually you can get it just get a job and buy it for a good grand. And you'll solve your own problem.

    If you do not like to be quoted do not post selfish spoiled childish sentences because really 99.99999999% of the world did not get Azog and you and a couple more are the only spoiled children around complaining.

    I dont even get any polybags in my country EVER.... and I learn to live with it, if i really want a polybag I go on ebay/bricklink and BUY IT with cash i EARN you know... not the one my mom gave me when i was 14...

    I work, make pretty enough money and I bought all the LOTR/Hobbit sets/polybags so far, I'll also have the 'Bag End Microscale' that I bought on eBay last week so don't talk if you don't know. I passed to something else on my last posts but it seems like you don't like frenchs or I donno what but if your life is to read the thread to quote my posts, so enjoy dude !

    I repeat, the main information of my post was that the girl at phone said me that we'll have it on the next wave. If you just saw my complaining, too bad for you.

  5. I read this like that:

    '' I am a very spoiled child that wants to have everything that my mind makes out that I apparently deserve. IF i do not get it I will go cry to everyone everywhere even if i know I am not entitled to everything''

    man ... are you all 7 and 8 ?

    Grow up I dont have a yacht also and I dont go crying to others.

    Do you have a problem with me you ? If you don't like my posts just don't read them. The only posts you do are to contest and complain about me. The main information of my post was that we will have an Azog surely in the next wave. And I repeat, if you don't like my posts, just don't f***** read them...

  6. photos of the prototype i got coming soon

    I told you!


    Thanks Captain Obvious ! We all know that we'll have an Azog, they wouldn't have paid thousands of dollars for the mold just to create 100 Azog given to some children. But the most important thing in my post is that we'll have it in the next wave like they said me when they called.

  7. I have sent an email to LEGO last week to complain about Azog and they called me back this morning.

    They said me that it was an exclusive, there was no way to get one but, "good news", it will be available soon... Does it mean in the next wave ? I can't tell but, by the shaking voice, of the girl who called me back, I would say yes...

    It's nice to call back the customers to apologize about the exclusives politic, but the problem is still the same, we won't have the "tan" one but the "pale" one.