Pedro Antunes

Eurobricks Vassals
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Posts posted by Pedro Antunes

  1. Dluders - im lego purist, sorry. Using non lego parts, modifying them, cutting, painting. I hate it.

    Lego is lego, lets use what's is lego branded. Thats my Point of View about it.

    I share your opinion regarding regular parts, but disagree on tyres... LEGO tyres are not very good performance wise or even regarding their overall look, so I do use non-LEGO tyres but still consider myself a purist.

  2. LEGO had it on their site for 79.99 the other day, now there back up too 100 bucks. Bummer, I was gonna order on this weekend. I guess I,m just gonna have to pay it, LOL. I like the size of it next to the 8043, wondered when someone was gonna put them side by side for a comparison on the size of it. One mod we can do to it is raise the whole cab up so the bottom is about the same height as the roof where its at now. If you ever seen this at a scrap yard the cab is up higher for better visability.


    Most equipment like this has raised cabins:


    It would be a very cool feature!

  3. 42000 F1 was really meh for me, but now it really grew on me. then we got service truck which looks like a the only option for someone who likes road stuff, not all that heavy building equipment. it made me so sad to see monster truck as a small set. i think i was looking forward to it most. :cry_sad: .

    Not everyone can be happy, I only like construction equipment unlike you... I dont buy Crawlers or any Supercar, but give me excavators and cranes and trucks and you can take my money :grin: