
Eurobricks New Members
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About TronBricks

  • Birthday 10/13/2006

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    Wild-mayham star fighter

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Videogames, LEGO, Comics, Drawing, Anime, Superheroes, and Art


  • Country
    United States

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  1. TronBricks

    The LEGO Unikitty Show

    The TV Show is not canon to the LEGO Movie storyline
  2. I'm trying to add these parts but LDD Says they removed them
  3. How are you using the part update How can I add those parts in LDD How can I add new parts
  4. TronBricks

    [MOC] TRABANT 601

    How did you post that on eurobricks I love this and how did you summit it on eurobricks
  5. TronBricks


    This is my custom MOC of Piptown from LEGO Legacy Heroes Unboxed it has everything from the game and I rebuilt the world with my own version of the set neighborhood