The Real Walkers

Eurobricks Citizen
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Posts posted by The Real Walkers

  1. TRU can be really shifty. Some stores always out out their stuff like their told and some stores have people who work there that know the value of the toys that come in and they buy them at some point in their shift and then flip them. Given that C-3PO is packed in just one large case, a person could get 50-100 at a time. This happens even with minifigures that are "get with purchase".

    I wouldn't worry. I'm betting red arm C-3PO will definitely come out in a future set before the next movie. Granted maybe with no arm printing, but good enough. Right now I wouldn't pay EBay/scalper prices on anything Star Wars because it's a feeding frenzy. Wait for things to die down later this year and the prices will be more manageable.

    I'm hoping it is in a set, though SPOILERS, the arm was back to golden at the end of the film. One seller on eBay has one for £7.50 with P&P, but I'm just hesitant to support those that purchased loads with the intention of selling them on, no offence to Ludzik above :blush:

  2. Most likely Toys R Us. I can walk into one today and walk out with 100 plus of them. Are they hard to find where you are?

    Well, yes and no. I had planned to order online via LEGO with their £25+ deal, but I'm currently only interested in the new battle packs that are coming out 1st Jan (when the offer has finished...) I thought they were for sale in Toys R Us, I asked a member of staff about it when I went in and she said that wasn't a thing...

  3. Well the seller has decent feedback but I'm always wary of someone selling multiple copies of sealed set so cheap. Even if you get the item I wouldn't be too surprised if someone else has paid full amount for it somewhere else especially if this set arrives to you direct from Lego or another retail vendor.

    Alas, apparently it was a computer hack! Shame, I might have to pay the regular amount! Disgusting...

  4. The Series 13 CMFs are in Cambridge Toy Shop now. They have had them since the 22nd I think.

    I went there for the first time a few days ago whilst visiting my girlfriend who lives in Cambridge. It was a little disappointing... Is there usually more LEGO stock?

  5. I've found with most the Lego Ideas sets that are accepted they generally only have 4 figures and have a max of 580 pieces (as of Lego Birds) This set on the otherhand has seven figures, two Sentinels and three buildings putting it around the same size as Battle for Ninjago City. While a larger size set probably doesnt decrease the chances of it winning, i'm not sure Lego would risk such a large set based on a film that will have come out in 2014. As such i've made some suggestions to get it into the smaller scale category;

    • The piece count seems way too high to be an affordable set, just focus on the main building where Wolverine is
      (Given neither of the other buildings have play features built into them)
    • Only have one Sentinel, use a recoloured one based on the version from the X-Men set, you can keep the head and spiked arm or elongated hand
    • 7 figures seems a bit too much Trim it down to 5 figures (Wolverine, Professor X, Magneto, Kitty and Iceman)

    I wish I knew who the creator was so you could forward those points to them :grin: I just saw it on ideas :tongue:

  6. So far I've collected all the LOTR and Hobbit sets, except for the newest wave. All my previous sets I bought at 20% off, which is about as good as it gets in Canada. I'm starting to feel nervous though, as the newest wave isn't available online at any of the usual retailers like TRU, chapters, or The newest wave also doesn't show up in the 2015 catalogue. The sets were released in mid October so I feel I should still have time to wait for a sale, but I'm starting to get a bit antsy. When is the soonest we could expect this theme to end, and is there likely to be any sort of warning that the end is coming?

    If anybody else is waiting to pick up these sets for a discount, just curious what your plans are.

    The UK seems quite similar at the moment: amazon seems out of stock, and no-where sells the sets. Last year, the sets went on discount at Easter, which seemed to be an end of stock/clearance sale. Whether this will happen again this year, however, I'm not as sure...

  7. The negative version of 'Lucky Lego Finds', what set(s) do you regret not buying?

    Personally, I wish I'd purchased Diagon Alley- it looked a great set and all that stopped me was thinking that it was immature for a seventeen-year-old to buy lego...... I've now learnt, at nineteen, there is nothing wrong with it... :tongue: Too little too late, though.... :sceptic: