
Eurobricks Citizen
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Posts posted by Skystorm87

  1. Dirtiest toilets i ever have been too were at La Spezia Centrale glad you did not do a replica of this.

    Thanks guys, I am still working on the interiors to make them better than La Spezia Centrale. (I must precise that toilets quite improved in italian stations since they are privatized and there are cleaners all day long.

  2. Hello,

    I decided to rebuild the station for my town with some elements of italian inspiration. Here you see the results:




    Once I have done it, I remember that there is a real italian station that has elements like the one I put here. It's Brescia Centrale:


    I hope you like :-) Happy holidays everybody

  3. Hello everybody, I present you my last creation where I tried to recreate some fantastic Middle Earth places: Rivendell and Erebor and join them together in just one single mountain (.. sorry I mean MOC) :classic: .

    The MOC integrates three original Lord of the rings/Hobbit sets: 79006 (the Council of Elrond), 79018 (The lonely mountain) and 79015 (The witch king battle).

    Let's start with the elves, I tried to reconstruct the house of Elrond with the cascade and throne of the king of the elves.



    Interiors are not so detailed, that's the throne room:


    From the first picture, you may have notice the entrance to Erebor, the other side of the MOC, in fact, is the realm of the dwarves:





    well, I hope you liked and I will be happy to hear some comments to improve/extend it :sweet: :sweet: :sweet: :sweet:

  4. Very nice retro carriage. My brother had that carriage as part of his 00 gauge rail layout back in the 80's. Is it on a drop car base (like the metro club car)? Any pic of your other rolling stock- I like the livery on the black/red train behind it.

    Thank you so much! The train behind is an interpretation of the High speed italian train Frecciarossa:


    I posted some other pictures on a ad hoc topic sometimes ago:

    but it didn't get much interest :blush:

  5. I have done a simple Wagon lit carriage inspired to the TEN carriage, used by the italian railway company in the 90s:


    So my version has some limitations due to the six studs length and the total length of the wagon as the panorama wagon of the metroliner. That's all to fit with my existing rolling stock.

    So the exterior is pretty standard:



    Doors open and the attendant helps passenger to board:


    Interiors consist of small cabins but I also wanted to have the corridor, I found this satisfying when you look through the windows:


    And here is the composition with the 7939 car wagon and engine:


  6. I don't think a sleeper car is appropriate for a train such as the Horizon express. The TGV is operating only at day time so no need for sleepers.

    However lego means freedom so if you want a night high speed train go for it :thumbup:

  7. I have a 9V layout but I have a PF engine as well. I wanted to use the PF engine to do maneuvers while other trains are running on 9V on the same line.

    I don't tell you how many times I crashed because my PF controller got out of sync. Once it made collapse my tunnel!

  8. Thanks for the comments! In fact I am impressed by the work you do guys and I am not able to do very detailed MOCs (yet :wink: ). Nonetheless, I enjoy the classical layout I was stearing at when I was a child. Here it is a video of the layout perhaps showing better the setting:

  9. Hello! I think I am now at a stage where my town layout (still WIP) can be presented. From the pictures you will notice that lot is dedicated to the train station and track layout. Nonetheless I have quite a few custom buildings around which I'd like to share with you :classic: . Comments on how to improve the look of my town willl be appreciated :thumbup:

    Let's start with a few panoramic pictures:


    This is the central area with the ruins of an abbey, a square with a market (adapted from the winter village market), a fountain and some benches. A restaurant. The town hall is the yellow building near the church.


    In the previous picture you can see a more residential area. There are some houses adapted from basics 90s sets as well as a Paradisa restaurant I bought few months ago. From here you can also see the beach area.


    This picute is a zoom on the harboour area, still unfinished. You can also see my bridge and tunnel.


    This area is the commercial area of Legoland, there is another train station, two skyscrapers and a sort of Arc de Triomphe (yes, I live in Paris :laugh: ). It is also close to the airport (next picture):


    You can also see some MOCs more in detail. The abbey:


    with the ticket office and some tourists queeing for the visit. The post office:


    Soon I will post a video as well. The carrousel is motorized and spins together with the train. :sweet:

  10. Wait! Everybody is talking about engines but what about the carriages? Freight or passenger train?

    Being european I would love to see some iconic trains. I bet they will make tons of euros if they would make some Orient Express (for me this is THE train) carriages with a nice steam engine. Otherwise I would love to see the Trans Europe Express.

  11. the nice part would be that the structure doesnt have to be some crazy 20,000 piece unique thing, but rather something that instructions can be supplied and people can easily add to their railways.. that is what would be cool!

    Yes! That's a good idea. :classic: