Steel Dragon

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Steel Dragon

  1. Steel Dragon

    Anybody know...

    Package came in today, but instead of the firing cannon I ordered I got a Wild West cannon! :-O :-O :-O I am outraged :-O :-O :-O I propose a boycott of Stic's Bricks!
  2. Steel Dragon


    We must find Tole! It's the only hope left for an awsome Pirate game. Speaking of which, anyone here played Lego Pirates Treasure Hunt? If not GOOGLE it. It's super fun flash pirate excitement!
  3. Steel Dragon

    Anybody know...

    Actually, for some reason I don't! |-/ Have to get right on that!
  4. Steel Dragon

    Anybody know...

    Think I'll just call 'im Will I actually bought him on Bricklink yesterday, along with a forestman and accesories for both (cannon w/ red base, etc) Plan to build them into my Lego playscape.
  5. Steel Dragon

    Anybody know...

    phred's got it right, no one knows the name? He was in the comic/ Ladybird books
  6. Steel Dragon

    Digger and 7310 need to go

    Don't double post, edit And that seems like a highly imbalanced trade, seeing as digger (Dino Attack, right?) and the set can be found online for much less than ANY Outback, as it was such a shortlived series
  7. Steel Dragon

    Yankee Bricko

    Thanks everyone! Now to answer those questions: Grey or Bley, as long as they aren't mixed in a moc Fav theme... Hmmmmmm... Pirates and Forestmen :-P Oh, and StarWars41 is right about the american thing
  8. Steel Dragon


    Launch a search party!!!!
  9. Steel Dragon

    WIP Imperial Sentry Box - Version 2

    Looks kinda like that old castle set w/ the blue octagonal roof I WUV ISLANDERS! :-D
  10. Steel Dragon

    7776 ShipWreck on Europe S&H

    25 bucks for a small set like that? Unspeakable! *n* *alien* Hehe alien