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Posts posted by ResurrectionBob

  1. 5 hours ago, chrisincanada said:

    The minifigures store in the UK has a full set of 16 CMF figures available for preorder with very reasonable international shipping prices. I have mine preordered from there. 


    5 hours ago, mark1991t said:

    You mean Because your link goes to nowhere.

    Before it gets too lost in the shuffle, thanks to both of you for the tip!

  2. 1 hour ago, karrit said:

    As it is between the CMF & this whole new wave I'm going to be spreading it thin to get Diagon Alley this year too as well as all the other big sets that are currently on my wishlist.  I'm already making peace with the fact that I probably won't ever be getting Mos Eisley.

    I feel you there - I also collect Star Wars, but keeping up with Potter takes priority right now. I figure I'll be able to spread out buying the wave of sets online, but since I'm not going into any stores for a while, I'm hoping to find a way to get the full set of CMF without buying a whole box.

  3. I want the new Bionicle to be as great as the original years. Mask collecting, exclusive promo masks and media, and like you said: promote the heck out of it. Lego stores each filled with giant barrels of kanohi! Online story articles! A comic series? A more simple story for newcomers, while still having references! Man, that would be fantastic.

    Everything right here. I gradually fell out of Bionicle as I didn't like the later sets and the story got too fiddly for me to keep up with, but those first three years or so were just outstanding. I loved collecting the masks, I loved how it felt like each year built on what came before (the gold and silver masks to upgrade your Toa, the Nuva armor and weapons being compatible with the older parts), and I loved the designs of the Rahkshi. Everything was simple but full of atmosphere and character. And even the stuff outside the main sets: McDonald's Matoran! The online game! Mask of Light THE MOVIE!

    I have some high hopes here, crossing my fingers that this happens and that it's as great as it has the potential to be.

  4. I'm modding my Emmet car to be movie accurate, so I kind of wish I'd seen that video last week when I ordered the parts! The good news is that while there was no way to know about that black 2x3 plate by his feet (which is completely covered anyway), the changes I'm planning are pretty much exactly right - raising and tweaking the mirrors and steering wheel, adding the radio and tail light. Being able to go frame-by-frame through this movie is going to be a lot of fun, I think.

  5. At my Toys R Us, they were instructing people to only take two of each piece and one head. They also had some of the pieces that looked similar mixed together, such as the round grey plates. So when I got home, I realized that I didn't really have enough pieces to do much with all of the ball joints and I only had one of the grey piece that snaps into the black turntable. But hey, I decided that it's really in the spirit of the movie to make something cool with what you have (and the robot-person thing doesn't make a ton of sense to me anyway), so I made a spaceship!


    I used every single piece I got at Toys R Us, with the only outside additions being the steering wheel and the pilot. My only rules for myself were to use everything and to try and keep it symmetrical if I could (since, as I mentioned, I didn't actually end up with two of everything). I'm usually a "follow the instructions" kind of person, so I'm really pretty proud of this.

    What did everybody else come up with?