Lt. Col. Thok

Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Lt. Col. Thok

  1. Lt. Col. Thok

    All Sigfigs gather here!

    Take your pic.
  2. Lt. Col. Thok

    Build a frigate with Captain Green Hair

    I'd love to help, but I have neither experience nor old boat pieces.
  3. Lt. Col. Thok

    Michael Jackson: Dead

    What a shock and a shame. At least he is out of his pain.
  4. Lt. Col. Thok

    What are you listening to?

    Agreed. KISS - God gave Rock&Roll to you II
  5. Lt. Col. Thok

    Battle of the Waterloo

    Nicely done - but (IMO) the thing this MOC could really benefit from is a real background - bring it outside! I tried that (links in sig ) and had excellent results. Neadless to say, good job.
  6. Lt. Col. Thok

    What are you listening to?

    Mastodon - Oblivion; Divinations; Ghosts of Kahella Just got their new album - it's fantastic!
  7. Lt. Col. Thok

    What is your EB Signature all about?

    Mine features a Joey Lock sig with Hound Knight artwork, a link to my 'shelf, some topics, and an Obama campaign userbar (I really should update it...)
  8. Lt. Col. Thok

    Canadian Eh?

    Anyone else notice that Medival Market Square (or whatever its called) jumped a full $60 on S@H? Its robbery, I'm telling ya... And nice cartoon, Emperor Claudius.
  9. Lt. Col. Thok

    Review: 5974 Galactic Enforcer

    ...and that's why you don't do drugs. Nice review of an excellent set - that statue is exquisite!
  10. Lt. Col. Thok


    The logo sent me in a completely different direction, but nevermind This is excellent! I look forward to seeing a completed fig.
  11. Lt. Col. Thok

    Disasterbot- 2 feet tall

    Nicely done! Excellent use of MM (the good one ) parts and printed bricks. Now you can properly crush the SW forum! Another great MOC.
  12. Lt. Col. Thok

    Big ship of doom VS. Pirate Island!

    Nice schooner (is that the correct term?) and pirate base. I have one question - wtf is a bluecoat doing commanding redcoats?
  13. Lt. Col. Thok

    Redcoat Superiority

    Silly bluecoats! Don't you know -leave a British sailor with a bundle of wood, some metal and a wench and he'll have a society up and running by midmorning. Nice MOC, will we see a sort of "expansion"?
  14. Lt. Col. Thok

    Pirates Ye Be Warned

    The best way to get back in the swing of things: hang someone! Nice work - simple, but effective.
  15. Lt. Col. Thok

    Fire at will! Down with the Republic!

    Down with the Republic! Monarchy, ON! Nice vig, I like what you've done with the hull.
  16. Lt. Col. Thok

    YU-GI-OH!: The Abridged Series

    "Vegeta are we there yet?" "No, Naba, we're not!" The Abridged Series is pure comic gold! They also have a podcast version, so you can lol everywhere!
  17. //Transmission Content: //To those who are listening, there is hope amidst the rubble. My name is Thok, formerly of the Power Miners project, now sole survivor in what is now known as the Northern Wasteland. As you now, the project was discontinued in 2011, but not before we found what those idiotic rock...things were guarding //You see, as it turns out, there was a race far superior to ours inhabiting the Earth long before we were. And, while they may be gone, there defence system is still intact. //As you know, society as we know it was catapulted back to the Stone Age in a matter of minutes. Some of us survived the onslaught, or so I hope; but I am the only one I know of. //I managed to scrap together an automaton based on parts from Power Miners project vehicles and some other advanced vehicles I found, belonging to a Japanese company. I will survive. //If you are listening to this, I will find you. There is hope; do not forget that. //End Transmission Front General Propulsion Pilot Right Arm Left Arm "There is hope amidst the rubble."
  18. Lt. Col. Thok

    Raid on the desert Santa

    All glory to the Hypnotoad Business Tusken! Nice work.
  19. Lt. Col. Thok

    New Flagship - Armageddon II

    That's a FOUR-DECKER!!! That's as big as the biggest ship from Trafalgar, and greater than the combined battaries at Waterloo! Very impressive.
  20. Lt. Col. Thok

    Pirate display in 2ndTomarLego

    Impressive work - perhaps you could deeplink a few more files? Anyhow, excellent display.
  21. Lt. Col. Thok

    Pictures for the new board games

    That is one pretty cool animation! Thanks, Shadows!
  22. Lt. Col. Thok

    [MOC] Femtroopers

    ...And, once again, Dano verifies his title. Nicely done, but as Stauder mentioned, there is the problem of...femininity, shall we say?
  23. Lt. Col. Thok

    Darth Legolas and his Avatar

    The last option, obviously! Seriously, though, the first is the best.
  24. Lt. Col. Thok

    Zombie Hunter Squad

    Horray, its the Comedian! Nice work here - my faw fig is the one with my sigfigs face.
  25. Lt. Col. Thok

    Which are you?

    Wot wot, British, wot wot.