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Lego store list?

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It's been a while since I posted, but right now, I'm in CT, and me and my cousin are looking for a Lego Store around here. Does anyone have a list of Lego Stores in the US, or just in CT?

Also, I was at a Walmart in Pennsylvania, and saw the PotC Tower set for $50, but on, it's $80... Was it just a mistake in pricing on Walmart's part, or is there something else going on?

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It's been a while since I posted, but right now, I'm in CT, and me and my cousin are looking for a Lego Store around here. Does anyone have a list of Lego Stores in the US, or just in CT?

Also, I was at a Walmart in Pennsylvania, and saw the PotC Tower set for $50, but on, it's $80... Was it just a mistake in pricing on Walmart's part, or is there something else going on?

Look on the LEGO site. They have a list somewhere.

Also, it was either a mistake or a sale for some reason, but if you didn't buy it you should've.

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