*Your entry has scored 6XP* (...) and I need another squadron of Tie-Fighters from your forces here, to secure the sector. - former imperial Captain Byron Varrasin yelled at the screen- You both are perfectly aware how crucial is my supremacy in this sector to your plans, are you?
The dialogue was cut short by the sound of metal doors being opened in the back of the room. Damned Stormtroopers! - thought Verrasin. - What is the meaning of this interruption? - yelled while turning to see who entered the room. But those interlopers were no stormtroopers. Two, fully armored figures clad in Mandalorian armour entered the room, encircling Verrasin, with blasters pointing at him. Who the hell are you. You will pay for this insolence! - Varrasin growled, then grabbed and activated his bow-sword and gritted his teeth.
Shocked imperial officials on the monitor made no sound, and stood in shock. Mandalorians stopped, still aiming guns at Verrasin, and one of them spoke. Calm, deep voice, filled with confidence - This party is over... 
Verrasin smirked, ready to lunge at the confident Mandalorian, but the momentarily silence was disturbed by a rifle shot. The last thing imperial captain managed to do, was turn his head towards the source of the sound. The moment of silence dragged on. - Spike! What the heck? - The Mandalorian said, his voice not as calm and confident as before. 
- Neh... Boring conversation anyway. - Shrugged Spike, the Mandalorian rifleman.

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