This is meant to serve as my intro MOC for Oleon in BoBS. I will update my photo after I have my 10 compulsory posts in. 8:30am Local Time. The private office of Marshal DuQuesne (retired): DuQuesne: "Ah, Gabriel! I trust you found your stay in the dungeon...formative. Through my considerable largess, I have sprung you and reinstated your comission as a lieutenant in this man's army." Duquesne: "I want an invisible hand to discover what those Corries are up to. They say they want peace. BAH! I buy it not, sir! Sergeant!?!" Sergeant Hobbes: "SAR?" DuQuesne:"Brandish my saber towards those Correy knaves!" Sargeant Hobbes:"YES SAAAR!" DuQuesne:"Aaahh. That's a fine brandishing. Take your orders and get out of my apartment, Lieutenant. A man will knock those Irons off of you and provide a uniform at the door." Thanks all. SIGFIG: I think I submitted a proper free-build document?  License submitted for a small residence in Fort Arltrees.