Terraversa is spear won territory and it must be defended!  The maneuver units have been repositioned to re-invigorate the offenses that have stalled against the onslaught of bad news: no progress in King's Port for months, the sudden and total loss of Fatu Hiva where our Garrison of over 300 was reduced to 60 battle ready men and two large forts were destroyed while imposing only minor damage on one Red Coat ship, the luck of the Red Coats and Green Coats to sail past our 17 warships in the waters surrounding TV to land over 1,000 reinforcements unmolested, each with an eye to partitioning Terraversa amongst themselves under the false pretext of "protection," and the news that Prio now may enter the fray. These are indeed dark times... Well my friends, those on the ground have seen the change. Where at first we were resisted as conquerors, fear spread by Red Coat propaganda, we now see patriots like those in Nola Mar appearing across the island. As our actions and conduct have proven Terraveran fears unfounded, cooperation increases, governance returns in the towns, and volunteers pour in to fill the ranks of our garrisons.  Here in Tarlor, a large fort has been constructed over the past few months of earth and timber. The town is protected by a mostly locally recruited garrison, and the seaward bastion's protect the waters to the South.  Well supplied, the large fort will make Tarlor a tough nut to crack for any would-be attackers. Crews drill constantly as professionalism, discipline, and skill is added to the zeal and fearlessness that only true freedom fighters possess.  The Crown and subjects of Oleon have been tried, but have not broken. We shall fight on with the gods on our side. We will be victorious.