
[MOC] First Order AT-ST

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Two years after the modification of the 75153 set, I decided to make a much better version of this vehicle.

New design has 863 parts!

There are a lot of AT-ST projects, a few were my inspiration (mainly Gol design and ldd_modelmaker), but I was constantly looking for my own solutions and improvements.


PDF Instructions will be available when I'll finish real one! Stay tuned :classic:

The vehicle appeared in The Last Jedi movie, without head... :laugh:


The next step is to make a list of parts. Then destroy the old AT-ST version and count the bricks.

More on my YouTube preview movie!









Edited by Kozikyo86

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1 hour ago, Jerry McGlade said:

I really like your build! I really like your decision on what to use as the joints of the legs. 

Thanks! I hope it will be durable and stable :classic:


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This is beautiful!  I'm not sure that articulation will work in real life, but it's still a lovely thing to look at digitally if not.  :classic:

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10 hours ago, Kozikyo86 said:

PDF Instructions will be available when I'll finish real one! Stay tuned :classic:

It's great and I like it, but I would prefer you don't share the instructions if you don't mind, as I still see the entire inner structure of mine for which I'm still selling the instructions (& which I'm still updating btw - august's SW releases will bring us useful new LBG parts).

Unless of course you can turn it into a modification instructions, but since it's also DBG recolor of the spine it'd be hard. Or perhaps Rebrickable should get a new feature to allow for modifications instructions, requiring owning the base one(s)?

I don't mind if you base your redesign on an older version of mine, though. Like, up to 2.4 which was significantly different. I've been updating this model for years, you can understand that no one comes up with all these solutions overnight.
Many ways to design an AT-ST. Like, BrickVault's one just came out and I give props the designer for not having copied anything of mine. Especially when I thought I had exhausted all the possible designs, it had to be hard to come up with something entirely different that still looks good.

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As I wrote, I modeled on your, more precisely on the head - side cover (an idea from the front angle) and how to mount it, and fixing the leg under the knee. The middle body, the rest of the legs, the top and back cover, are completely different constructions.

There are so many projects that it is very difficult not to be similar to others, since you are building the same vehicle.

Of course, I will try to change this (head) in the final design

Edited by Kozikyo86

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4 hours ago, Kozikyo86 said:

There are so many projects that it is very difficult not to be similar to others, since you are building the same vehicle.

I know, but this can't apply here. From this shot I see that it's the same structure inside as well. It's way more similar in the spine than visually.

Again, there have been many AT-ST's, Lego's own, BrickDoctor's being the first good one (that I know of), then hobocamp's on Lego Ideas, then Northern Lego's, Bert Van Raemdonck's, BrickVault's (& I'm probably forgetting some), same model and yet they all have nothing in common. I see ldd_modelmaker's one based the body on an old version of mine, but all the rest has nothing to do with it so it's all good. And I don't mind copying specific details either, sometimes there's only one best way to do it. I've used an inverted tire around the neck because BrickDoctor's one has it.

But if you try to design your own head structure & legs, you'll see that you'll spend countless hours - not on the result, but on what didn't work, on paths that lead to nowhere. When I started mine (which now sucks by today's standards btw, but it was my first version), no one had done the inter-legs bars yet, so it wasn't a given yet that high-friction extenders would be able to hold the thing.

And yes it's very difficult not to be similar to others, especially now that there are many models, but if you start fresh & with today's parts, you may get better results. If I was starting over I'd probably make the head's side plates brick-based, for ex.
That's if you wanna make it entirely your own & share the instructions btw, because obviously I have no problem with mods & I encourage them.

(not counting that it's never fun when I'm then the one being accused of having copied a model that's heavily based on mine, but got more exposure)



Edited by anothergol

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The second version of my AT-ST - I redesing the head, this time I tried to make my version as it wasn't yet, and in the case of AT-ST it is very difficult. The biggest change concerns the side head cover and still leave the First Order details. Here again LDD shows its definite superiority over other programs where you can set the angle of inclination e.g. to 8.42 degrees (in studio or 8 or 9). This is the 99% version, I hope it will be stable, if not I have an idea how to change it. I'm glad that I was able to mount the opening hatch on the top of the vehicle. Now the internal structure is built on 5 studs, thanks to which drivers have perfectly separated seats.

First Order AT-ST MOC by Edge of Bricks


First Order AT-ST MOC by Edge of Bricks


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On 7/12/2020 at 4:04 PM, Darkage_lego said:

Really amazing creation :pir-love:

Thanks my friend! :classic:

1 hour ago, LEGODrongo01 said:

god damn this looks good, especially the "eye" area

Thanks a lot! 

In the new version I remade the side covers, now they have no gaps, I finished tile bricks, and now looks much better than previous :classic:


I have 95% bricks, new design have a little less - 849 prats. Soon I'll start build finale model.

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and here it is - my First Order AT-ST!

847 parts! Maybe I change few details. Soon finale review on my YouTube - Edge of Bricks!:classic:

Could be more stable :laugh: I'm not surprised the Ewoks defeated those vehicles on Endor...


I use maybe 38% parts from my previous, free design based on 75153 set. So if anyone has it - that's good news I think

First Order AT-ST MOC by Edge of Bricks (2020)


First Order AT-ST MOC by Edge of Bricks (2020)


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