Did some research and decided to study the xml files of Bricks in “Group 216” to try and solve its crash issue locally. Focusing only on the latest “Complete Update” download from Dropbox, I used the programme “grepWin” to isolate all xml files containing the text “maingroupid="216"” within the Dropbox Download and located 40 xml files. After installing the original “db” folder and the latest “Complete Update” download from Dropbox together, I opened LDD and searched for the 40 Bricks one by one, LDD crashed after trying to open Part 30350, once “30350.xml” was deleted the crash was gone. Thus, the culprit responsible for LDD crashing upon opening “Group 216” is Part 30350. EDIT: This Brick is now fixed but it is still recommended to do a clean install of the Bricks Database to make sure nothing goes wrong, which will specifically help remove newly added files present in older updates but have since been removed in newer ones. 1. Install the latest “Complete Update” download from Dropbox as usual. 2. Locate an original copy of the LDD “db.lif” file (must be from the original “setupldd-pc-4_3_11.exe” programme) and extract it via LIF Extractor, or use an original copy of the extracted “db” folder. 3. Go to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\LEGO Company\LEGO Digital Designer\db and delete the entire “Primitives” folder. 4. Copy and Paste the entire “Primitives” folder from the original extracted “db” folder back onto the same location. 5. Copy and Paste the entire “Primitives” folder from the latest “Complete Update” download from Dropbox in here too, always selecting “Replace All” when prompted.