
Star Wars MOC To-do List thread?

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This is something I desire to see as complete:

The project began already in December 2014 and is still going. Some other building for Lego-shows

in between and I hope then there will be more time to concentrate on this one.

The idea is to make a pair, if I get greedy a fleet, of these capital ships, and make a sort of game

out of them at a Lego show. Something like a setting, where there are two sides, and both of the

sides have those kinds of columns with microships/fighters as in the video. The goal is to defend the columns

of your own side and try to shoot down the microships off the columns of the opponent team.

In the video the micro-Tantive does not drop from the column because this was just the very first

demo and Tantive was attached to the column. But I have tested it, the microships will fall if you don't

attach them on the studs, and thus the game should work.

Credit also for Hereticae who has been building large parts of this ship, there's a detailed list in

the description of the video about the parts.


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