
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I think John is somewhere between the mastermind and the custodian of both BricxCC and NQC. A few years ago, the original creators walked out the door and threw John the keys. They may have been laughing at the time. John turned it into a multi-use set of tools. He will be able to help solve your problem. One other strange question: What kind of lights do you have in your room? If they are fluorescent, I would suggesting getting a small box, like a shoebox, and putting it over the Tower & RCX when downloading. Steve
  2. bricxCC is an editor for NQC. NQC is the most popular language for programming the RCX. (most likely what you're using) If you are sending firmware, I don't think you need to change your system set-up (to use a VM). Pretty much all the firmwares should work with your program. What does your program do? Steve
  3. I don't have a lot of advice, however I can verify the process of downloading firmware is not the same (internally) as downloading a program. So I can understand that one may work, while the other doesn't. bricxCC will work fine with the RCX. It was designed to do that in the first place. I would suggest trying to download a very simple little program. Good luck. Steve
  4. I need to catch up with this thread. But, for now, here's a link to the mlcad file for the GBCube http://teamhassenplug.org/GBC/GBCube.mpd Thanks Steve
  5. Next weekend I'll be at Brickfair in Birmingham AL (USA). But I don't think that helps. :) Steve
  6. Very nice. As for your one "mistake" you don't need to fill in the whole area, just fill it enough that balls can't sit in there. One solution would be to put axles (with bushings) into the spokes. You already have some 2 long axles holding the beams. Change those to 4 long axles, and add four more in one of the other two holes on each spoke and you should be set. That should even add a little more to the look, which is pretty cool. Steve
  7. Well, yes the standard could be changed. But that may cause other problems. It could be tough to go to an event, and make sure everyone is using the "same standard". One idea would be for your new module to combine soccer balls with Zamor Spheres, process both types of ball, and separate them out at the end. Steve
  8. hassenplug

    Brickworld Fort Wayne

    I'm glad some people know what Robo Rally is. I've been wanting to make that game for several years. Sorry it wasn't running when you were there. Here's a clip: If you saw any videos from Gen Con, you may notice in this clip the robots are doing a better job of moving on the conveyor belts. Most of that has been reworked in the software, and we're still improving it. Steve
  9. I'm pretty sure you can only purchase them directly from Robocaster. And, that's about as far from Canada as it can be... Steve