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About Freakenstein

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  1. Freakenstein

    Future Legends Of Chima Sets Ideas.

    After seeing those prototype figures, I started thinking of a mutant series for Chima (especially with the crocs). Like, some of the characters become so corrupt with the power that they get caught in a halfway form-pretty much like how the proto croc figures look. The bird tribes could use the new chicken suit arm piece from Series 9 of the collectible figures and maybe new helmet pieces. That type of thing, you know. Though the figures would probably be hideous to most people, I think it could be an interesting turn. I also think a mountain based theme could be pretty sweet: The heroes have to go through a mountain range and the caves on it to reach the wise owl elders living in solitude to learn more about history/tribes/powers in the land. Inside the caves, they would come across the new villains for the wave-bat and spider people. That's pretty much all I have right now.
  2. Freakenstein


    Greetings boils and ghouls, my name is Dr. Freakenstein (It's not my real name, of course). I've grown up building with our favourite hobby and love creating horror themed MOCs. Thank you, one and all, Dr. F