
Eurobricks Vassals
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About Pharos712

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  1. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    "Greetings friend". "I'am Zark and we we're more than happy to help" "Curious though, to what pretell brought you to this here dungeon in the first place?"
  2. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    Catching his share Zark is curious as to why Siercon didn't take any share in the spoils. "Hey Siercon what about your share in spoils"?
  3. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    "Of course Lycan" Zark attacks Warrior from the front row.
  4. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    Zark attacks beserker from the back once again. OOC: I agree. I'm all for autoplay at the moment.
  5. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    "Hehe thanks guys". "But dam these vikings can sure take and dish it out!" Zark attacks the Beserker from the back row once again.
  6. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    Zark continues his assault upon the beserker from the backrow. OOC: Whoops my bad Khorne, sorry about that.
  7. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    "Dam, I'm glad he's on our side!" Zark thought to himself in amazment as he saw Lycan rip the viking warrior a new one. Now fully recovered Zark, taking Seircon's advice on board, chooses to play it safe and attacks from the backrow.
  8. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    "Dam it!" Zark curses as he staggers back from the Berserker's blow. "I think I'll take your advice on board Siercon, luck doesn't seem to be on my side today". Zark opts to drink down his potion
  9. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    Alright let the blood shedding begin! "Zark roared whilst charging the Beserker from the front row.
  10. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    "Hehe now things are getting interesting" Zark said with a grin etched upon his face.
  11. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    Zark couldn't help but let out a slight snigger upon hearing this imitation. He hoped the vikings hadn't noticed.
  12. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    "Yep coming Siercon and Lycan be careful ok" Zark replied whilst taking the left route.
  13. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    OOC: Sorry my mistake. "Sure Lycan, I agree with Siercon it'd probably be in our best interest for you to have it." Zark hands mead to Lycan.
  14. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    "Yes I feel we've already wasted too much time here let us move forward" Zark replies before gulping down the magical liquid. "Euh, well that was certainly an interesting tas...what wow! Zarks attention was quickly drawn to his wound noticing that it was healing at an extremely rapid pace. After a minute of so he was restored completely. "Magic sure is an amazing thing!" Zark proclaimed.
  15. Pharos712

    Heroica RPG - Quest #45: The Doctor Is In

    "Dam this guy can take some punishment" Zark repeats his previous action.