
Eurobricks Citizen
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About -DoNe-

  • Birthday 02/11/1997

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Rock Raiders
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    "Crocodile Locomotive" 10277

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    Rock Raiders, Pirates and Harry Potter


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  1. -DoNe-

    [MOD] Mines of Moria

    Thank you. I feel this goes to show how good these playsets were. Thanks a lot!
  2. Mines of Moria. An iconic place in cinema history. The Lego designers sure had their work cut out for them when given the task to represent it in Lego. Overall I think they managed great. There was however one design choice which I wlays felt took away from the feeling of being in a cave; the fact that the set was designed with four separate structures. The idea was most likely to aid in placement and playability as well as keeping the parts count within budget. In this "MOC" the plan was to create a more coherent and display-oriented take on the playset. Nothing have been taken away from it, I've just added a base for it to stand on and added a few more minifigures yet I find it to be quite effectful. This also spelled the end for my Mines of Moria MOC that had somewhat survived in one piece since 2013:
  3. -DoNe-

    [MOC] Admiral Woodhouse Outpost

    I will not hold it against you, classic pirates radiates nostalgia. Thank you! Thank you. It comes with some furniture, but still quite spartan. Eventually I would like to get my hands on a few 1x1 headlight bricks and jumper plates in brown for a few chest of drawers. That is however, an expensive venture.
  4. What an amazing Lego-interpretation! Instantly recognizable!
  5. -DoNe-

    [MOC] Majisto and the party of dragons

    There are so many delightful little details here its hard to pick a favorite. However the use of the staircase piece for the roof is particularly wonderful!
  6. It is done (pretty much at least)! https://flic.kr/p/2pAXRUj https://flic.kr/p/2pB5xQN
  7. -DoNe-

    [MOC] Admiral Woodhouse Outpost

    It works a charm and have a vintage feel to it. Go for it! Frontpaged? Quite the honor! Thank you for the kind words! It was just what I was going for. Then I've done my job.
  8. Thanks! Haha yes indeed from brickstickershop.
  9. A few more updates. I have cleaned up the details around the boiler (still got some pipes to add before it is complete). The cabin got a slight rework as well. With part #60592 being a placeholder until I can get my hands on a pair of #7026. A final touch which was added is the stickers for set #7750 (from Brickstickershop). Which added some welcomed contrasting color.
  10. Admiral Woodhouse is visiting one of his new outpost. To his dismay it appears that the designer took not just a little inspiration from Governor Broadside's Brig!
  11. -DoNe-

    [MOC] Frost Driller

    The cockpit-design is delightfully ingenius. I also really like the drill arm. Very well finished model all around!
  12. -DoNe-

    steam locomotive series 310

    Excellent model!
  13. For a start I think it will be the plain variant. Mostly due to costs... Would you prefer to see some custom stickers in there to break it of? There have also been major updates done! As always the photo-quality is absolutely awful, but hopefully you'll get the idea. My current thoughts goes as follows: I want to add brakes between the drivers. Not only will it add some more detail but also give it slightly better proportions. I'm also considering making the cab 1 stud longer, yes/no? Furthermore the blast pipes/cylinders are, well, not so done. Other than that I think it's nearly done!
  14. Huge thanks for the tip! You can now find the studio.io file here: https://bricksafe.com/pages/-DoNe-/rock-raiders-mocs/train-mocs