
Eurobricks Dukes
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About RichardGoring

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  1. RichardGoring

    [REVIEW] 71047 D&D Collectible Minifigure Series

    Great write up. I agree that the lack of printing on the front of the tail is odd and would very much have preferred it to blend in with the torso. I bought a full set - for a future D&D game with the main set - and then bought individual figures that I wanted for a castle setting. In initially skipped the Tiefling because thought the orange band was part of the torso print. Glad I can remove it at least. The halfling is probably my favourite. I really like woodland-folk characters (and it will help to add variety to the forestmen crew I have). It's a shame they didn't use a recolour of the paladin's mace for Sauron in the Barad-dur set. I also hope it gets used more in future.
  2. RichardGoring

    21348 Lego Ideas Dungeons & Dragons and D&D CMF

    I also saw that the Walmarts around me are starting to get them in stock, so I went this evening. I did use the app and found an extra halfling druid and a Tiefling Sorcerer, because the dragon is cool! But the main reason was to get some Dragonborn Paladins. They had three nearly new boxes and I got the four paladins that I wanted. Interestingly, all were still there (nine paladins in total), with just some figures taken off the top row. I found the Paladins all clustered in the bottom left side of each box, next to the halfling druid. I can stop looking now, as I have all I want.
  3. RichardGoring

    Latest news about Lego animal moulds

    I'd really like a new parrot with printed eyes. Or a more modern crab, which is a bit more of a stretch.
  4. RichardGoring

    21348 Lego Ideas Dungeons & Dragons and D&D CMF

    Got my full set from Planet Fun Toys today. They're great!
  5. RichardGoring

    Latest news about Lego animal moulds

    Although the Friends one isn't bad for standard animals. The eye prints, I suppose, but the rest feels kind of fine.
  6. The list sounds great to me. At least, it has a lot of potential and my expectations are high with those names. But they could turn out a number of less interesting figures to, so it's going to be interesting to see what they are. The potential for new animal moulds here is good. The beastmaster and cat lover both suggest new animals or new moulds - I'd love to get a different cat, preferably sitting down. As much as I like the idea of another new castle figure and pirate figure, it's probably the steampunk inventor that's most exciting. I do wish they'd create a steampunk line of sets a la Sea Cow.
  7. LEGO leaks on Reddit has a rumored list of series 27 CMF figures. It's from Exabricks, which isn't always reliable though. However, if true, the list looks very promising indeed! Stuff for castle, pirates, space, and steampunk!
  8. RichardGoring

    21348 Lego Ideas Dungeons & Dragons and D&D CMF

    I was the same as you. Not interested in Baymax nor the mind flayer. I'm not saying they're the most popular from each wave, but I was surprised they were sold out or lower stock from my very small sample size, and comments from the LEGO store employee both times.
  9. RichardGoring

    21348 Lego Ideas Dungeons & Dragons and D&D CMF

    But what are the in-demand figures? For the Disney 100 Baymax was sold out everywhere around me, which I found really surprising. The mind flayer appears to be really popular for D&D, which again was surprising. Others might know why these were so popular and predict it. But then, if you make more of the 'popular' ones, does that means that the rarer ones become more popular because they are rarer? I suspect that LEGO and retailers make so much money from CMFs that they don't care about the niggles of optimizing the distribution too much, and that damage/clearance may be a pretty small impact on the overall profitability. LEGO just needs to keep churning out stuff that keeps it fresh and people wanting more of them.
  10. RichardGoring

    Latest news about Lego animal moulds

    I asked about butterflies a while ago, with intent to use them on a bonsai. Finally finished it. And I now have all four seasons complete.
  11. I have just built my first Star Wars set. 77904 Nebulon-B Frigate. I've only seen some of the Star Wars movies once. I don't remember this ship from any of them. But it looks really cool. I didn't try to buy it when it was released with all the limited release stuff going on, but I admired it. I recently realized that you could get pretty much everything from PIck a Brick, and I just needed two parts to be a slightly different colour from the original (just a different shade of grey), so got all the parts for about $50. (I don't need the expensive sticker). Wow, what a build. Pretty much the entire process was incredible. Such clever use of parts, positioning, geometry, and all in an elegant and efficient way. It was a real joy, which is pretty incredible for something that's 90% grey parts! You may all be onto something if the builds are this good. Might have to look into some of the retail midi-scale ships now. Any recommendations?
  12. RichardGoring

    Latest news about Lego animal moulds

    The Wednesday sets also have two of the small birds (unprinted) in black and a light grey scorpion.
  13. RichardGoring

    Disney Properties 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Agreed. It's such a shame that you can't pair them with a simultaneous purchase. I think Mickey suffers from being scaled down a little and I'm kind of sad that Aladdin was removed. Not including Ariel seems odd, and I think the composition of the set would have benefited from the shape and colour pops that a minifigure would bring on the right-hand side. Pride Rock looks much better, and I love the inclusion of the enchanted broom sticks - that's the idea I voted for in the original competition.
  14. RichardGoring

    21348 Lego Ideas Dungeons & Dragons and D&D CMF

    I've used Minifig Scan since the QR codes started, on my Android (Pixel 6a and now Pixel 7a). It works really well, and helped me find the D&D figures I wanted at my local LEGO store this weekend in a few minutes. Minifig Scan - Apps on Google Play