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About Kuramapika1

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  1. Here is the new .xml and .g files. Hope it's of use.
  2. Here it is. Hope it work.
  3. Hello: I give a try to the parts and I think it can be of use, hope it is. Here is the rar file. I don't know if the extension .lpp is still active, if not tell me and I fix it with another one.
  4. So, my (drastic) solution is: save all your parts (as backup) and reinstall LDD. Then try to extract the .lif file.
  5. Are you trying open the .lif in the roaming folder or the one I mentioned before? Problem of import: I think it's something to do with the ldraw.xml file.
  6. Yes, that file. Unfortunately I am unable to solve the problem with LIFExtractor.
  7. Hello: actualy, you can use the A, W, S and D keys. What you need to do (as you say) is: go to your LDD instalation folder and find Assets\Scripts\EditMode folder. in there, open the MenuLayout.xml file: find </MenuItem> when you reach that line, find <MenuItem locText="DELETEBRICK" key="D" command=".LDD.commands.editMode.deleteTool"/> and change the letter D to any unused letter. That's all.
  8. I tested your image (without adjusting it) and, in my case, the sides are showing in the front. Comparing the two images (my UV map and your template) your color UV map have sligtly bigger sides.
  9. I give a try, and I wish the same to you in your work. I found this video that can be usefull: Video
  10. I think I worked in vaine (jaja!): as you figure it out (my gess) the UV maps depends on how the 3d cad software (in my case Blender) create it (you can see it in the image). Anyway, I did some image to try helping you but you solved it. Here it is what I do: UV map Sticker set 7994 LDD 1 LDD 2 The last 3 are my test; the back sticker is no truth in real life. If the "sticker set 7994" image is of use to you feel free to correct it and publish it.
  11. What a problem you have! Question: do you keep the Assets.lif file? the DB.lif file is inside of it (Assets.lif, in the instalation folder).
  12. Hello @Stephan: I did your request but I'm not sure if it is what you wanted, specialy the UV images. Here By the way: how did it go with the 4274.xml and DB folder? Can you solve the problem?
  13. Yes, it's funny. Maybe if you extract db.lif again have the proper folders?
  14. Checked: it's nothing to do with "Toggle Physics Test" (it turned ON). By the way: I have two DB folders: one in C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\LEGO Company\LEGO Digital Designer and the other in my pre-defined folder (the one LDD ask to install the software the first time; in my case it's in an external HDD). When I use the .xml file from the C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\LEGO Company\LEGO Digital Designer have no effect at all; so I need to use the other .xml, from the other folder.