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  1. Armycpt

    2018 Lego Trains

    No on track, but the trixbrix on ebay digital printing are decent. I got their version of 7996, the color is spot on, its functionality is better as it has 4 switches rather than 2. I did put 2x1 flat gray lego bricks to secure the connection points. It does stay connected pretty well. For 50 bucks it is worth it. Infact, their switch track curves out rather than in like the lego track. A decent alternative that isnt garbage.
  2. Armycpt

    2018 Lego Trains

    After following this topic since November, my sons and I continue to be dissapointed at the lack of steam locomotives like Emerald Night. Since my childhood in the early 90s lego has not produced a steam locomotive. Are we in the minority? We are still crossing our fingers that the EN will be rereleased this coming year.