
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Magical_Chicken

    Mr. Gibbs British Royal Navy

    Not exactly the same but hope it works for you.
  2. Magical_Chicken

    Future LEGO Pirates Set Speculation

    The movie ship has a really unique shape. Will be interesting to see how close they will try to get. Last time they brought out the carriage it was 430pcs so might be a roughly 1:2 split. Would leave the ship with a similar part count to the Black Pearl set.
  3. Magical_Chicken

    LIBRARY: Pirate Torso/Decal/Sticker Designs

    Sigh... Google have decided to be annoying and change how drive hosts stuff... I think you can still view stuff in drive itself but embedding doesn't want to work anymore... As a temp fix you can add "" as a prefix to the codes that appear. E.g. Short of uploading to another hosting site not sure if there is a cleaner solution sorry. If anyone has any recommendations or advice it would be appreciated.
  4. Magical_Chicken

    LIBRARY: Pirate Torso/Decal/Sticker Designs

    Classic Pirate Remakes: Pirate Captain (Collectable Minifig): Back was stolen borrowed from: Will probably come back and do it properly at some point Coloured examples: As some random Bonuses: Islander Skirt: Torso for something else but somewhat relevant:
  5. Magical_Chicken

    LIBRARY: Pirate Torso/Decal/Sticker Designs

    Some more decals: Classic Pirate Remakes: POTC Coachman Coloured examples: Been playing around with adding "shine" on the decal itself to try make the metallic bits pop more, any thoughts?
  6. Magical_Chicken

    LIBRARY: Pirate Torso/Decal/Sticker Designs

    Thanks for all the compliments. Some sailor decals: Coloured Examples:
  7. Magical_Chicken

    LIBRARY: Pirate Torso/Decal/Sticker Designs

    Some decal templates based on Imperial Armada but in a more modern style, Coloured examples:
  8. Magical_Chicken

    LIBRARY: Pirate Torso/Decal/Sticker Designs

    Some decal templates for Barbary pirates/Ottoman irregulars, Coloured examples:
  9. Magical_Chicken

    Future LEGO Pirates Set Speculation

    I think a revamp of imperial armada, even if part of an ideas one off, would be nice seeing as how both imperial soldiers and guards have got updated minifigure designs. My own attempt:
  10. Magical_Chicken

    LIBRARY: Pirate Torso/Decal/Sticker Designs

    Fictional faction of imperials based off POTC Salazar's Crew uniforms:
  11. Magical_Chicken

    [MOC] British 5th Rate Ship (WIP)

    This is my first proper Ship MOC (and MOC in general), and is very much a WIP. I based (stole) the design for the hull and 1st deck off Bonaparte Napoleon’s French Frigate Minerve. Hide contents The actual ship: Hide contents As for historical accuracy, I stated in the title that it is a 5th rate, and while it does ‘technically’ fall into that category I chose to just go with what I though would look good as opposed to following a actual ship design. I’m not yet sure what I want to do with the aftcastle but will try some things out. Any advice with the sails and rigging would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Sorry I am new to the forum and put this topic in the wrong area. I have since reposted the the article here and would be appreciative if someone could delete this topic (as I can't find a way to do it myself). Many thanks, Magical Chicken
  13. Magical_Chicken

    Help with 8x4 Pirates Layout for my Son

    That’s not the Black Seas Barracuda... It’s Enlighten’s copy. To be fair it costs 1/10 of the actual price (~£28 compared with ~£270-300, which is ridiculous at this point) and with a few modifications it would look exactly the same from a distance.
  14. Magical_Chicken

    Imperial Guards: Bluecoat and redcoat uniforms

    I believe that their nationality left ambiguous on purpose. Most western powers during the late 18th century and early 19th century used red or blue uniforms to some extent (with the exceptions of Austria and Russia). As for the flags I believe the Imperial Soldier's flag is based off the merchant flag of France And the Imperial Guard's off the East India Company