
Eurobricks Vassals
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About Bricky921

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  1. Beware buyers - I have just noticed some very cheap lego sets on Facebook Marketplace. There are multiply adverts which are supposedly a local seller but in different cities, the website to pay via is a copy of one in Denmark with an IP address of Turkey? The seller is Mollie Baker, the website is I may be wrong but tread carefully if buying.
  2. Bricky921

    Storage in UK

    I have quite a few of the Home Bargains boxes that you mentioned for Lego and other things. They do seem to run out of stock occasionally but get them in again after a few months.
  3. For anyone in the UK that may be interested, this weeks children's newspaper "First News" has a history of Lego four page special edition out today.
  4. Bricky921

    Webcam problems and Windows 10

    My Microsft VX6000 webcam has never worked with Windows 10 but was OK on vista. Looking at various message boards this is a common problem due to the video format supported by the VX68000 not being supported by windows This prompted me to check that the same was not true with the Logitech C920. Apparently a lot of people had problems after installing the Anniversary update of Windows 10 last year and microsoft said they would fix it in later updates.
  5. I have just updated to windows 10 and found that my Microsoft VX-6000 webcam won't work, it seems that this is a know issue. So I thought that I would get a Logitech C920 to replace it as it seems a popular choice but have heard that there are also issues with this Cam and Windows 10. Can anyone confirm this. Regards Keith
  6. I'm confused, why is the bley grey awful and the light grey not when people are struggling to tell them apart.
  7. Bricky921

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    Perfect... thank you Nemo57.
  8. Bricky921

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    I hope this makes sense but can anyone tell me what most people do when placing modular buildings next to a road baseplate. The modular buildings have about an eight stud path along the front and the roadway baseplates have a six stud area between the edge of the plate and the road. Do people just extend the path out to the edge of the road?
  9. Bricky921

    PAB Cups: What Did You Get?

    Sounds good, looks like I will have to plan a day trip to the Lego shop in Brighton over the school holidays.
  10. Bricky921

    PAB Cups: What Did You Get?

    Out of interest what do Lego charge for a PAB cup in store?