After an uneventful pirate hunt, the disappointed Queenston Privateers decided to hold a vote to figure out their next move. Sinbad, who was chosen to lead the fleet, spoke first. He proposed they head towards El Oleanda where they could hunt the few remaining Lotus who still scour the area. It was a logical plan and the crews seemed to agree, when suddenly a gunner from the Andromache spoke up "What about the Oktoberfest ! They'll be over soon.. and we're only 3 days away from Punto Sur!" The crews simultaneously spoke up in agreement. Sinbad, caught off guard by the irresponsible yet brilliant suggestion, repressed his want to go and put on his serious captain act "Nay brothers! We've been sent here on a mission, a mission to eradicate our Queens enemies from the brick seas! How could we allow ourselves to let her down and go enjoy the festivities of Punto Sur, the hundreds of barrels of beer, the delicious foods, the parades.. the shooting games... the beautiful women..." Sinbad lost his train of thought and stood their in silence looking down on the crews, they all looked up at him with confused expressions, creating a very uncomfortable silence... When suddenly they all burst into laughter. "Ah screw it, I've never claimed to be a Great man" Sinbad said to himself, his obvious facade now gone  "Set a Course for Punto Sur!" And just like that, the 4 ships set sail to Punto Sur.  While enjoying all the activities the Oktoberfest has to offer, Sinbad found himself a small overcrowded Basement tavern where he would end up spending most of his nights. While drinking and singing with the rest, he spotted a shy looking man with formel clothes standing awkwardly and alone in the middle of the room with his drink in hand. The drunk captain quickly and loudly made his way towards him and dragged the man back with him to meet the crew. The obnoxious and drunk crew welcomed the weird man with drinks and laughter. The man presented himself as Frederick Chapman, a naval architect based in Jameston, well used to before captain Nardau blew his office to pieces. To which Sinbad and the crew chose not to reveal that one of Nardau's ships had once belonged to them...  A couple barrels of beer later, the shy man Sinbad had spotted was now unrecognisable. Frederick was drunkenly standing on the table chanting with the rest of the crew. For the duration of the festivities, Sinbad took Frederick under his wings and showed him how to have some propper fun, even helping him out with the ladies. It didn't take long for mister Chapman to fall in love with the lifestyle. So on the last day of Oktoberfest, with no home to go back to, and fearing he'd never see his new friends ever again, he asked if he could join them. --------------- My entry to the annual Oktoberfest minichallenge Will be licensed as a small artisan in Punto Sur