Hipérion's stay in Punto Sur was short-lived. He gathered the best accountants, filthiest swashbucklers and oldest warhorses of the Seven Brick Seas, acquired supplies from the local warehouses, and soon an expedition departed from Punto Sur in the morning of 27th Mayo 623. Rumors quickly spread the town, saying that Hipérion got secret orders from King Fernando himself... Others said that one of the accountants deciphered a ancient map that showed one of the Seven Cities of Cibola... but surely these rumors must be nonsense and the purpose of this operation must be something else... The group left Punto Sur through the eastern gate, followed the road (more a dirt trail than a road) that would lead deep into the heart of the island of Maldria and soon the party was swallowed by the jungle...   I apologise for the bad quality pictures but i have only a potato camera and nothing that i can use as a background. And looking at the palm tree and fisherman's net...i am much too lazy to edit the background in PS. The grey building on the left will be licensed as a small residence. The warehouse, yard, wharf and house on the right will be licensed as medium commerce. (Proof that these mocs can be seperated in the spoiler )