During the era of the Galactic Republic, many starfighters were too small to safely contain a hyperdrive and required a hyperdrive ring to travel through hyperspace. The 0-KY1 starfighter (pronounced "Oky-Wan") or "O-Wing" was the first attempt at building a starfighter capable of hyperspace travel by incorporating a hyperdrive ring into its design. The Republic hoped to gain an edge in the Clone Wars by using it for surprise attacks where the fighters could drop out of hyperspace and engage the enemy immediately without the need of having to disconnect from a hyperdrive ring first. Unfortunately, due to its impractical shape, the concept was soon abandoned. It featured a slanted, more aerodynamic design than traditional hyperdrive rings with a cockpit on the lower half and two turrets on the upper wing. The turrets could rotate 360 degrees and be aimed up and down. This slant also made it so that the ship had an O-shape not only when viewed from the front and back, but from the bottom and top as well, which gave it the nickname "O-Wing". It accommodated space for one pilot as well as one astromech droid to assist with hyperspace jump calculations. The cockpit could be detached from the ring to serve as an escape pod for when the ring got damaged... which happened quite often due to it being such a large target. With this entry, I tried to take a silly shape and make it work in-universe. I hope you like it. And kudos if you're an old enough member to remember when I used to call myself Oky Wan Kenobi on here and got the reference. May the 4th be with you... in June.