*Your entry has earned 20 XP (S:5, T:7.5, A:7.5) + 3 bonus XP for a total of 23XP Jise was on Coruscant, when she was approached by an old stranger. He gave her a piece of paper and disappeared in the crowd before she was even able to react. On the paper it was written: Come to a secret meeting, Balmorra, the coordinates and some strange unfamiliar markings. Not having any duties nor jobs to pay for any expenses, she decided to go check out the location. For she gave up on the Sith way of negotiating and seeking for information, she spent the whole day and quite some credits before she finally found a ride to Balmorra. Arriving at a spaceport which was clearly run by some mercenaries, she figured out that those were the exact coordinates. Asking around about the meeting did not bring much progress and for the whole time she had a feeling that she was beeing followed but in an unharmfull way. Trying to hide the connection to the force for a bit gave her no reason to search for the follower. Finally in sector D of a large market, she received some useful information from a Gran droid reseller.