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Security Camera #523: Landing Pad C44
Voice transmission only. Unauthorised access.
Time of the recording: 13:33
+++++++++++++++ Male Voice#1:  Alright, remind me what is the plan.
Male Voice#2: I thought I've explained it already. You take the long route, and make sure we have a backup if things get messy. Me and Iana go to the provided location and we breach in the building. We either find the target or intel to locate him. Swift in and out.
Female Voice#1: Messy? You told me to bring two crates of explosives. Only to be optional?
Male Voice#2: Bounty is dead or alive. It have no specifications about casualties. We jut need to complete the mission. This is the way.
Male Voice#1: Fine for me. See you on the rendezvous. This is the way.
Female Voice#1: <with discontent> This is the way.

<Transmission ended>

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