After a few weeks in the designing room, Spudkirk's first Gun Sloop was ready for construction. With materials provided by the town’s very own wood logging camp, the boat was built and ready for action in just over a week. She is armed with a menacing 24 pounder cannon manned by two men capable of breaching any Lotii Junk. Furthermore she holds a total of 10 rowers, but where the boat distinguishes herself is the addition of a Lateen sail which massively increases both its speed and maneuverability (which is currently missing as I just realised I forgot to make the sail… but you get the idea). Upon completion, two experienced sailors of the Royal Navy took her out to sea to make sure she was up for the task, she was indeed. One of the goals with this Gun Sloop was to use exclusively materials coming directly from Spudkirk, that way  if circumstances demands it, she could be replicated in a short time and in great numbers. Without further due, she is ready to be licenced by the Crown. --- I'm about 4 years too late to the Gunboat party, but after I scrapped an old ship wip I couldn't resist trying to make a gunboat with the pieces. (I might repost an updated version with a sail and maybe some rigging in the future)