You could smell it before you could see it. That salty, damp, stench of rancid meat, exposed in the open sea. Fish. As far as the eye could see. Fish hanging from balconies. Fish hanging rom hooks. Fish rotting in boxes and nets. Fish guts, fish fins, fish oil. And everything smelled the same. Fish.  Smugglers, wanderers, fugitives, fishermen, sailors, and outlaws, they all came to Skaldar Port looking for an opportunity to star over. And for some reason, dealing fish seemed like a good start. For me, something else was at stake. I wasn’t looking for a new start. I was looking for a man that has been hiding in the shadows for way too long. The sack of coins tinkled as I walked the narrow streets of Skaldar. Glancing at signs and banners, I tried averting those eyes filled with temptation that arise in the depths of misery, and searched for the place where the dealer said he would be. The Smelly Inn. Sounded just right. I had the coin and now a target on my back. I could only hope Res would have the information I craved from the moment I left home.
But I couldn’t help but think... something smelled fishy.


Louis of Nutwood. 
Skaldar Port. Probably one of my largest builds so far. Really hope you like it.  
Let me know what you think. 