I bought the Medieval Blacksmith back in April, and absolutely loved it. I hope Lego will do more sets like it, but I don't think it's wise to expect anything more. So I thought I'd do my own medieval village series. As a little warm-up, I decided to do a stable. This was directly inspired by the set : I thought the horse provided with the Blacksmith might be tired from pulling a cart full of weapons, and that the Black Falcon Lord ordered the villagers to build a stable so his army's horses could eat and rest a bit. It was quite challenging, because it's a rather mundane subject that doesn't necessarily translate into an exciting Lego model. I wanted it to be visually interesting, giving it a distinct style without making it too different from the Blacksmith, and also well made (no illegal techniques, a (relatively) sturdy build). To design my model I took inspiration from the stables in Skyrim, especially those from Whiterun and Riften : The MOC was designed with Mecabricks. I kept several prototypes of the model, that you can see here :  The first version had three stalls, but I eventually decided to remove one and add a space to store the hay instead. The final model is quite close to the last prototype, only shorter :     The roof can be easily removed, to make it easier to access the stalls : There's more pictures in the Flickr album. You can also see the 3D model on Mecabricks. I've also made instructions for this MOC, that you can find on Rebrickable : https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-84485/Leewan/medieval-horse-stable/ Don't be afraid of the price displayed on the Inventory tab : I used several relatively new pieces, that might not yet be widely available on BrickLink. Among them there's the 76 black tiles round 2x4 (66857) used to create the roof tiles. Myself I bought them from Lego Bricks and Pieces, but it's also possible to use them in more common colours such as tan and medium nougat : The beam atop of the roof has a reddish brown "donut tile" (15535) in reddish brown, and those have just been released in a Vidyo set (see, that theme's not that bad ). It's possible to swap them for 2x2 round jumpers (18674), that are much more common. There's also the dark bluish grey ingots, or the hay bales. Also, I didn't include the parts for horses and minifigs in the parts list, so you'll have to make your own if you want to build the model yourself. Anyways, I hope you'll like it. (: Leewan