"Who goes there?" asked the guard, as a column of armoured men approached his position. 
"The Knights of Hades, Terraversa Chapter," replied the stern-looking priest astride the lead horse. "And... err... What are the Knights of Hades (Terraversa Chapter) doing this early in the morning?" he asked, increasingly unsure of himself. He was new to the job, and it was late in his shift. 
"We are decamping to Nola Mar, in search of more civilised government."
"And... err... what's in the chest?" he asked, sheepishly. At this stage the column had reached his position, and he had to quickly step aside to avoid being trampled. "That is for the gods to know," the priest smiled as he passed. 
The Quiver of Artemis would soon be back on safe ground. A replica sat in its place, and the deception would likely never be discovered. Oleon's gamble with this island had failed, but that was no reason to leave a relic of the gods to those money-grabbing Eslandolans.
By the time anyone had the nous to chase after them, the Knights Treasurer would be beyond the borders of this rump state.