(build above from earlier post Unto The Breach!) -------------------------------- The 12-pounder had blown the gate doors right off their hinges, sending them flying inward toward the town of Aurelia. As the roar of the cannon blast faded and the smoke began to clear, Captain Hunter heard shouts of "Arrêtez ! Attendez !" from the far side of the town wall. Hunter, a Naval Intelligence Officer, traded in intelligence and was well-versed in Oleonese. When he next heard an Olander yell "Paix!" he took pause and ordered the Red Sons and Ténotclaxcan warriors to hold back. Clearing his throat, Hunter shouted out, "I say old chap, did you say peace?". He followed up in Oleonese, conscious of his Corlander accent: "Je dis mon vieux, tu as dit paix?" "Yes, monsieur, word has reached us this morning that there is peace between Oleon and Corrington. A ship has arrived with news from Terraversa. We have a copy of the treaty." Taking stock of the situation, Captain Hunter reasoned he and his men had been traveling across the interior of Annetta and could very well be in the dark when it came to news of current events. "You say you have a copy of the treaty - well bring it here man!". Once the Oleander complied, Hunter reviewed the document and noted the spot on Royal Seal of Corrington next to the signature of one Montoya. "This my fine sirs does look to be the genuine article. It seems we've caused a bit of mess with your gate here. May I propose we lend a hand and help you re-door this here gate?" As the redcoats went about helping the bluecoats re-door the gate, the Ténotclaxcan warriors looked on in disgust. Soon, the natives had melted back into the jungle. ( @Faladrin ) Captain Hunter negotiated with the Oleander captain for the night's lodging before they would begin the trek back to Port Raleigh in the morning. OOC: Corrington hereby calls off the attack on Aurelia and troops are returned to their points of origin