*Your entry has earned 12 XP* After I'd made my way to the surface and knowing my line of investigation had come to an abrupt end, I headed to a small, uninviting Taverna on the outskirts of Sundari for a drink before working on my next line of inquiry.  There was an odd feeling in the air, nerves over the rumours of Imperial forces amassing and yet a sense of relief as Clan Eldar had begun to make its return to Mandalore and make their presence in the sector known. Still, the break was welcome and I could loose myself within the humdrum and atmosphere of the Taverna. Lost in my own thoughts as I was - a name cuts through the noise and brought my attention back to the bar "...Pyerce..."   Through the reflection of the polished chrome droid barkeep I survey the crowd to identify the disguised Imperials - A small group huddled over a corner table looked deep in discussion, seemingly unaware their conversation is carrying across the room I listen in and pick up odd words in the conversation mixed in with hyperbole of imperial resurgence; "Pyerce" "Empire" "Remnant" and finally as one of them made to stand up "...our contact on Mandalore" I listen on as they themselves prepare to leave, pay and exit ahead of them, waiting for them to leave, safe in the knowledge the shadows are hiding my presence from being seen before i pursue them in the alleys that lead from the bar