The battle for Terraversa continued with coastal bombardments from Olean Warships along with strategically placed artillery positions. News spread amongst the company that forces had breach the city from shore and were making they way inwards. Now the difficult task lay ahead. Jean-Batiste had gotten his orders, while troops were coming from north of the kings river and east from the sea, he was to scout out and try to block the major road leading out from King's port in the south. the objective was two fold: firstly cause a big enough disruption that would draw some attention away from the coast and second cut off any retreat from the city. With his company of Chasseurs and Guelph Tirailleurs Jean knew that time was of the essence and critical. Should he fail, it could mean that officials from the city could evade capture.  As he made his way to King's port along one of the roads, his company came across some Olean sympathizers being assaulted by Terraversan troops. While he may not have fully mastered the tactics his unit could perform his officers sprung into action. Each sergeant took a position to surround the Terraversans with the goal of capturing them. With these extra hands it may give him the numbers he needs to create a proper diversion. Once the skirmish has ended it was onward to King's Port.   So I finally got around to posting this build here. Unlike most depictions of the Terraversans, I decided to go with the blue coats with yellow epaulettes. Hopefully its not too confusing. C&C welcome