Having secured the beaches, the brave men of Oléon pressed further into Terraversa to spread their gift of freedom. Amongst those spearheading the assault into Kingsport itself were some regiments of Naval Infantry. Structurally a part of the Navy, these men often find themselves taking part in such sea-to-land offensives The hand-to-hand capabilities they have honed during close quarter boarding parties at sea are useful skills to deploy when the fighting slogs down to dreadful house-to-house combat. Combined with the sharpshooting and anti-partisan prowess of the Guelphian Tirailleurs, they are a lethal combination sent to deal with the Terraversan resistance. The fighting in Kingsport was intense and while it had not been bombarded by the Navy, there was still buildings that sadly suffered plenty of damage, be it from a stray cannonball or just bearing the marks of war. In order to stay safe from sharpshooters, Oléonese soldiers tried to advance as much as possible through the houses of Kingsport themselves, fighting for each room and corner, clearing a path towards the palace and finally freedom for Terraversa. However, sometimes men still ventured outside in support of the interior fighting. A small combined task force hugs the sides of the streets creeping closer to the neighboring house, bomb in hand, in order to take the enemy in a pincer movement. This is not always without danger, for the Terraversan are lurking. Despite the resistance of the Terraversan militias - in this case, stragglers from the Lone Star Militia that have fallen back from the beach - Oléon will prevail! Pour le Roi, pour Oléon! ----- Full build: Front side Back side   I hope you like it! Since you liked the effects on the beach scene, I added some here as well. This is also my first try at a studs-out base. It looks really simple to the ones Ayrlego et al put out, but I do think it already adds something extra than "just" a baseplate as bottom. I rather like it and will try better versions in the future. The minifigs were also a hard part to add, as I wanted to convey action but I also didn't want everything to be too crowded. Maybe there are a bit too few now, I don't know... It was harding finding a balance between clutter, minifigs and still telling a clear visual story. Anyway, GO OLEON!