May 16, 620 - Astrapi, Île Zeus  My Brothers, You may remember that, nearly a year ago, I was able to consecrate a Treasury of Hades the Harvester here in Astrapi. This treasury was to be guarded be the Brotherhood of Hades Inflamed.  It seems that the Canon François was determined that the Brotherhood should form the active arm of the Inquisition out here in the Brick Seas. To that end he has erected a seminary of Axel the Martyr in Astrapi.  I am given to understand that Brother Axel was a contemporary of the "Black Bishop" Meloche who refused to renounce his faith and was killed by the heretic as a result. Canon François has asked us to consider his beatification, and I am certainly willing to forward his request to you.  The Seminary will function as a teaching and training centre for the monks; transforming the order into a chapter of Brothers at Arms, instead of one at Prayer. As long as there are men like Meloche in this world, we will need more men like Brother Axel. I only hope that this seminary will go some way to helping us achieve that.  For the Underlord,
Monsignor Orfeo