...and as the days ended on the fourth lunar cycle, A'chua the Voyager returned from the West. 
And he brought with him a priest from that strange land. 
And he brought with him a scribe, to record the priest's deeds.
And he brought with him a warrior, to guard the priest.
And he brought with him a child, to learn from the priest.
And it was good. And the priest did speak to the fishermen of the Tyree'Dee.
And he proclaimed that the gods recognised by the Tyree'Dee were the same as those recognised in the East.
That Rangaroa, Master of the Seas, the Bountiful One, is known to them as Pus'hēden.
That Lono, Lord of the Heavens, the Fertile Father, is known to them as Sus.
That Te Pua, Master of Death, Guardian of Flames, is known to them as Hē'des.  And he proclaimed that other tribes from the West would come.
And they would wear the badge of the Lotus. And they would not recognise our gods.
And they would not respect our traditions. 
And they would kill our people.
And they would plunder our possessions.
And they would trample our crops.
And they would despoil the graves of our ancestors. All this, A'chua the Voyager confirmed. Taken from the record of the Tyree'Dee