A wading pool is the perfect place to practice navy techniques and stage mock battles with miniature ships!  Any self respecting Naval Academy needs one. I enjoyed working with the colonial style for this build.  Mostly I tried to imitate the great look Capt Wolf achieved for the main campus.  Originally I planed on pyramid shaped roofs for the three towers, but since I don't have many dark red slopes and was working with sideways bricks instead, that proved much too complicated! Instead I settled on some castle crenelations, and that way I was able to get some cannon in there!  Higher grade clases get down into the water and maneuver the ships so younger cadets can learn! Better stand at attention or Captain Argentum will rap you over the head with his sword handle!  (This was back in his glory days.) I enjoyed designing these windows especially.  You'll probably see the same basic thing again sometime! Micro ships were the reason I jumped at this scene.  I don't think I'd ever built one in dark orange before but the color seemed to work well! Those new 1x1 plates with a bar--you know, that thingy up toward the front--took my typical micro ship design up a notch. Of course I had to do some bigger ships too. And a smaller one... a bit top heavy this... Originally I planed to go for a two story building, but small as this is, it pretty well emptied my white bucket! Here's a shot without the uniformed soldiers (well, except for the guards). I don't know why (it doesn't make mathematical sense) but for some reason there wasn't enough space for one last row of trans-light-blue lengthwise (tried forcing it in a couple times and sent whole rows of tiles flying around my room  ).  So that gave some wiggle room which I used to curve the lines a little - I think it subtly helped the pool look!   Great to have a build this size for BoBS again!  I really enjoyed building the pool, the windows were fun too, especially the small ones with quarter tiles (they're attached of course! otherwise they would have been quite a pain!).  I did some stuff behind them, like a student walking inside, blackboard and stuff, but sadly it all went to waste in the pictures.  Oh well, at least I know it's there.   If you'd like to see a few WIP shots of this build, I did a post on my blog. Thanks for checking this build out, hope you enjoyed it and be sure to check out @Capt Wolf's additions to the Royal Naval Academy - Part 1, The Main Campus and Part III. The Boathouse. Oh, and in case you were wondering where I got the bright green uniforms...