As war had ravaged most of Historica, for what seemed liked eons, many of its inhabitants were weary of it all. Peace had been hard to come by, but appreciated by the vast majority. Turmoil still simmered at different places of the land but the queen had been a unifying force in bringing the guilds together. Trade was flourishing and the quality of life had risen dramatically for the vast majority – nobels and commoners alike.  As rumors of unrest in parts of Historica had reached Kaliphlin, the collective opinion was one of frustration. Although accustomed to war and conflict, people in general were thankful for what Queen Ylspeth had achieved. Cities had been rebuilt and expanded, trade had enriched the land, and for the first time in ages, sons and daughters finally outlived the parents instead of perishing in war. Action had to be taken to ensure continued stability! As a step to ensure the queen’s continued rule, invitations had been sent out to several of the prominent leaders throughout the south, as well as some of the nobles from other parts of Historica. They were sent by Sir Na’Qud, a wealthy merchant who resided at the southern coast of Kaliphlin. He, as well as most of Kaliphlins lords and merchants, had benefitted greatly from the peace that had settled in the land in recent times. His fleet of ships had been put to great use and instead of transporting soldiers (which in all honesty was a terrible business), he was now able to import and export goods all over Historica. “Welcome my friends, so glad you could make it”, Na’Qud expressed as his guests arrived. “I have called this meeting to make sure we all see the benefits of the current stability in our great land”. The guests all convened at the big table in the center of the hall, and started discussing the matter. Na’Qud was not alone in his assessment of the situation. It quickly became clear that nothing was to be gained by more war, trade was by far more lucrative and less worrisome. Although there were still parts of Historica that felt ignored by the queen, the collective view was that she had been a unifying symbol and someone who deserved the support of her subjects. “Peace means trade, and trade means money!”, Ta’Mie shouted, and the rest of the table nodded their heads in agreement. “All hail the true queen, Queen Ylspeth!”. Thus it was settled, the rule of the queen must be maintained.   This is my entry to challenge IV, category A. I divided the build into two parts, the first showing people on the way to Na’Qud and the second showing the imagined interior of the temple where the meeting is held. I hope you guys like it, cheers!