It had been a good day the market. Many new exotic fruits and clothing were for sale and other new goods from the faraway Varlyrio . Angus and Lilly were going home from the market, happy now when Avalonia was in peace and flourishing as never before. It was good times. The streets of Zamorah were almost empty when everyone was at the market.  Outside the family house they met Lilly's older brother Lars, he worked as a cartographer in Albion and were always out on missions in far away lands, making maps of unknown territories.  Lilly: "Hi, Lars! How are you?"
Lars was in a hurry but turned around to greet his sister and brother in-law: "Hi, Lilly and Angus."
Lilly: "How are you? It's been awhile!"
Lars: "It's fine, it's fine."
Angus: "Well, we know you better than that Lars. You look stressed out and worried. Has anything happened?"
Lars: "I'm in a hurry. I have to go to Albion before dark. I just made a quick stop to say hi to mother."
Lilly: "Where have you been? What interesting things have you seen at your travels? You know I love your stories!" Lilly tried another tactic.
Lars lowered his shoulders and sighed deeply: "Well, something troubling has been told to me by a traveler in the mountains in eastern Mitgardia. News that have to be forwarded to the Guild leader in Albion. If I tell you this, you have to keep it to yourself!"
Lilly: "Ofcourse Lars, you know we can keep a secret"
Lars: "Well, this traveler came storming in to the Tavern were I was sitting eating dinner. He looked totally freaked out and were mumbling about demons, evil creatures and the death himself walking among us. I invited him to the table and asked what was worrying him."
Traveler: "They are back! The demons of Nocturnus. They are here among us already. I've seen them myself!"
Lars: "Take it easy friend, here you got some mead. Now tell me what you have seen."
The traveler took a deep sip of mead, then said: "I was walking in the Castaway pass north of here when I heard a loud crack to the right of me. I was afraid and hide behind a big rock. When I looked up I saw a bright light and a ring of fire appeared out of nothing in the rock wall. The ring expanded to about 14 feets wide, burning and a great heat radiated out from it and melted the show around it. Then out from the fire black figures stepped out into the snow instantly melting under there feets. First came some demon-like creatures walked out and after it came some winged beast with a even more terrifying demon riding it…. After that I can't remember anything. I think I maybe passed out  or something. When I waked up they were gone. And there were not any trace of them. I know I saw it! I'm not crazy!"  The traveler drank all of the mead in the cup. Then his eyes widened: "We all have to flee, they are coming! Noctornus is rising!!"
The he stood up and ran out from the tavern with fear in his eyes.
Lars: "Then I ate up and decided that I have to inform the Guild about this. So I took of directly and came here"
Angus: "Well, that's… that's not good news!"
Lars said in a not so convincing words: "I don't think you should be worried. It can be a crazy man's fantasies, but it's my duty to inform the Guild."
Lilly' s eyes widened: "Can this be the reason The Aurum Order has ordered the city walls to be reinforced?"
Angus: "We shall not draw any fast conclusions right now, we haven't heard anything of that."
Lars: "Well, you should not go around walking about this. And take care of eachother. I really have to go. Have a good time and I hope we will soon see eachother again."
Lars kissed his sister cheek and hurried away down the street.