Janszen led his squadron of ships south and circumnavigated the island of Maldria before settling on a location to disembark. Maldria was a huge island, more than 600 miles across from east to west, and the trip around it was time consuming. In the end, Janszen and Calvo determined that the best spot to establish a base was near where they had started: on the northern coast, at the mouth of what appeared to be the largest river on the island. The river flowed through two lakes very near the coast -- with a third lake only a few miles to the east -- and emptied into a sheltered bay that was a perfect anchorage. The river appeared to be navigable for some distance into the interior of the island, flowing down from the central hills through a lightly wooded fertile plain, with ample evidence of typical woodland animals. Both agriculture and hunting should be possible here, and the river and lakes provided plenty of fresh water. Perfect for a permanent settlement. Janszen, Calvo, and a handful of men went ashore to survey the immediate area.   While Janszen pointed out a good location to establish the first permanent structures …   … some of the troops stretched their legs by kicking around an old pineapple they had brought with them, wondering if the annual Soccer Cup had yet gotten underway.   ------------------------------------------------------------------   Meanwhile, Bloenhardt and Merker found themselves in “hurry up and wait” mode, as it took a few weeks before Guilder arrived at Fuerte Unido. Once he was there, they secured some privacy at a small inn and discussed their plans.   Kate went upstairs and eavesdropped on the discussion from the balcony.   The map of the New Haven Sea:   “Wonderful information here, men,” said Guilder. “Janszen and Calvo have done an excellent job. Well done indeed. Too bad Janszen couldn't get more information out of that Carnian captain, but now we know Carno is on El Oleonda."  Guilder turned to the map on the table. “The report on island #1 – what did Janszen call it?” “I think he said the natives call it ‘Ch’kara’,” replied Bloenhardt. “Yes, Chiquara,” repeated Guilder with a slightly Eslandized pronunciation. “The two of you shall return to Chiquara with more men and supplies and establish a small settlement and trading post there.” "Not much at island #2," said Guilder as he pointed vaguely at parts of the map. "Not the most reassuring report on the islanders there. And especially not at island #5! Tangling with those natives doesn't seem like it would be worth the cost." "What about island #6? asked Merker. "Ah, the rumored treasure has your eye, does it?" replied Guilder. "I must admit it intrigues me, but not enough to make it a priority. I figure it's not going anywhere. Har-har!" Guilder moved his finger to point to another spot on the map. “But we don't know anything yet about island #4. Once the trading post is built and the MCTC personnel safely settled, you shall sail north to island #4 and see what it offers.” Guilder looked up from the map at both men. “Finally, once finished with island #4, find Janszen and consolidate the expedition on Maldria. If Janszen hasn’t sent a new report by then, have him do so.” Guilder and Bloenhardt then began to go over the details for outfitting the return to Chiquara. An extra ship would likely be needed to transport the additional men and supplies for establishing the trading post and settlement. Merker excused himself from the tedious discussion and went upstairs to join Kate. “Well, there go yer plans, Jack. Guilder don’t seem interested much in Itasca’s treasure. You’ll never get back there.” “Kate, darling, have a little faith,” replied Jack. “You don’t think I can persuade Bloenhardt to let us split up? We’ll go explore island #6 and look for Itasca’s treasure over here …” Jack motioned with one arm, “… while he goes off to island #4 over there,” he finished, pointing the other way. “Then we’re out from under him and can keep any discovery to ourselves.” “You think he’s gonna let you go off with half the crew?” Kate shot back incredulously. “Bloenhardt trusts you as far as he can throw you!” “Luv, if I can’t persuade the old captain, I can certainly persuade the crew.” Kate looked at Jack knowingly. “What’ve you got in mind, Jack?” Jack raised an eyebrow and gave Kate a self-assured look …   A full look at the inn: