A Summer In Tuscany Hello guys! I've been fairly present in the forums lately, but haven't released a MOC in about seven months, so it's about time! A Summer In Tuscany by Pau Padrós, en Flickr This is “A Summer in Tuscany”, packing 4497 pieces, mimicking the sizes of Assembly Square and towering 33.6 cm (13 inches) tall. There’s a certain je-ne-sais-quoi that some wonderful modulars capture, and I wanted to capture some of that in mine as well. What better place to look for it than Italy, then? Inspired mostly on the buildings and summery atmosphere of the Emilia-Romagna (I know the name doesn’t say that…) – Piacenza, Parma, Modena and Bologna, to name a few. A Summer In Tuscany Side by Pau Padrós, en Flickr Another point of view on the two façades. Vines climbing up walls and fences, flags being blown by the soft breeze. Gelato signorina? Have one at Giolitti! Have fun looking for references hidden throughout the whole model! PD: Genie’s lamp as decoration on the yellow building      The Orange Building: A Summer In Tuscany: Orange Building by Pau Padrós, en Flickr Fun and reckless! Orange isn't the safest colour to build a modular out of, and even less when you decide to stick a 45-degree façade on it. Nevertheless, I feel this building is the crazier part of the model and brings that needed extravaganza to make a great modular. The rooftop detailing is subtle but one of my favourites Ground Floor: A Summer In Tuscany: Giolitti Gelati by Pau Padrós, en Flickr “Giolitti Gelati” has all the ice-cream flavours one can ask for: Lime, Orange, Olive Pistachio Green or Flame Vanilla Yellow, all wordplays on Lego colour names. Middle Floor: A Summer In Tuscany: Le Lampade di Roberto by Pau Padrós, en Flickr Roberto has any lamp you might need in stock. From a Luxo Jr. studio lamp to a cinema focus. Many of the lamps are from Lego’s official modular (not just Palace Cinema's) Top Floor: I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of this, but rendering took way too long and stopped it. Inside is a stained glass artist studio. Fairly cool, huh    The Yellow Building: Didn't take a specific shot for this one, as it would be too similar to the second one. It feels like the anchor of the model. (Call me crazy for saying this), but it's the building I played it safest with -and I know it's yellow! . It works as a harmonious counterpart to the Orange building. Adding as shallow dark orange roofing is something I'd been wanting to do since I finished Italian Villa. Desires one by one fulfill themselves, don't they? Ground Floor: A Summer In Tuscany: Bike Shop by Pau Padrós, en Flickr Hard at work, trying to fix a greasy bicycle. Through the back door, it leads to a little garden. He’s so concentrated in fact, he hasn’t seen somebody peeking through the window… The same "somebody" who's been secretly placing flowers on the man's outiside bicycles! Middle Floor: A Summer In Tuscany: Puppet Theatre by Pau Padrós, en Flickr Shush! The play is about to start. Suitable for kids and adults alike. Curtains closed, phones off. Oh! Forgot we're not in the present!  Top Floor: A Summer In Tuscany: Astronomers' Club by Pau Padrós, en Flickr As night falls and stars start sprinkling all around the sky, seeing planets is the new black for our ABS friends!   One final picture: A Summer In Tuscany's Best Friends by Pau Padrós, en Flickr Magic Shop and Sweets & Co. hugging their new friend and compainion to the modular street.   Hope you enjoyed my little tour around my newest model. Drop in any comments (hopefully praises ) or dislikings, of course if you feel like so. Thanks again, have a very very nice day wherever you are in our wounderful world!