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Nocturnus Minichallenge I: The ruins of Khazrat

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Building for the Spire

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For days now they had been marching through the mountains.

Yvern had found a pretty large group of Bulls willing to join them, after talking to Davok. Now the expedition, under formal lead of Thornn and Spyrus, and Davok and Yvern, was crossing the Kyrrath Mountains. Tonight they could rest in the ruins of an ancient abandoned Orc fortress, Khazrat.


Yet when they came closer, there was an unusual stench in the air. Spyrus and Davok went on, while the rest halted.

When they neared the entrance to the fortress, Spyrus said: "This is Orc-scent. That would be that Resistance regiment. See? He didn't wipe them out, filthy Yudha.

"How did you call me?"

An unwelcome but familiar face appeared above them, just outside the gate

29905618272_ed8678fca5_b.jpgthe ruins of Khazrat

Spyrus: "Why... what... what are you doing here?"

Yudha: "Easy...helping my new friends to prevent some impetuous young men from assisting the spire... They pay me well enough"

Davok: "Treacherous scum... Is mony indeed all you are after?"

Yet Yudha disappeared through the gate.

Davok: "The fortress will be occupied. Yet there is no way back now. The fortress doors have rotten away over time, so our best chances are to rush in..", and he shouted a signal.

Immediatly the whole expedition started to run, with their weapons ready, not knowing where the enemy might appear...

30019342505_edcaf360d3_b.jpgthe ruins of Khazrat

30019342795_295bb12837_b.jpgthe ruins of Khazrat

29935811581_0b0244a83a_z.jpgthe ruins of Khazrat

29935812131_a7f0620de1_b.jpgthe ruins of Khazrat



So, I have been working on this for a pretty long time: I wanted to hit some birds with one stone: I wanted to make ruins, and to make a round tower. I am pretty happy with the architecture of the (front) wall and the tower, yet they don't really get the attention they deserve in this build, I think. The tower has an half collapsed part, and the wall has some chunk out of it, made with different slope bricks.







Edited by dathil

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I really like that round tower! Good work. As for the rest, due to your camera situation, it is hard to say since I cannot see many details clearly. But it looks good from what I can see. 

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Sweet ruins! The way you have the mid section crumbled looks great, and I like your round tower :thumbup:

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Excellent build! The round tower turned out very well, and I like the touches of sand green in the stonework.
Great job with the ruined walls and landscape too :thumbup:

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